Reviews for Lonely At The Top
mytenno chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
"I really feel bad for Rachel in this fic, even though it's kind of her fault." - that other reviewer

I think that the whole point of this is to showcase that Rachel is just Rachel. She's just being her, so how in anyway is it her fault?

Anyway, I love reading character studies. It's always cool to see how other people see things.

Thank you. This was great.
bookchick007 chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
This makes me feel so sad for Rachel... I mean, admittedly I like Kurt more than her, but she's like a close second or third, and its so sad how everyone hates her... I love how you wrote her opinions of everyone else in the club. This whole story seems really true. Thank you for writing it. (It's funny about the Artie/boy band thing... You were referring to Kevin McHale? Who was actually in a boy band? Or am I reading to much into this...?)
BenjaminWilliam chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Heartbreakingly wonderful.

I really feel bad for Rachel in this fic, even though it's kind of her fault.

Great work. (: