Reviews for Craig's Diary
IslandGirl111 chapter 1 . 1/16
Lmao, I love it
RemmyBlack chapter 1 . 7/2/2010
I love how after the long description of Craig is 'I'm hot' lolz XD
x94u6bj3xSPfan chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Oh it's so funny and cuteXD

Will this diary have next page?Though it had been complete.

But I want to say to Craig that writing a "diary" is freaking fag

By the way, I'm a Chinese, so don't know if you mind I translate your novels or not?

I translated some SP fanfics and post them in my column:)
twounderscorethreefour chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Aw, I like this! I love diaryfics, and this sounds just like Craig as well. It's off to a really great start! I love how you've got everything set up (especially that you included Style! but then again, who doesn't xD) and the f4ck you at the end. Hahaha. Brilliant!
Daze Rivers chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that this will be long, this will be critical and this will be good. This is the first thing you will probably read, because it is the first line, and you may seem daunted by the fact that I am giving you such a lengthly mostly negative review. But preserve and you will get through this and some good may come out of this. Now because I am Canadian, just kidding it's just because I'm a cop-out really, I will apologize up front if I come across harsh or rude. But you seriously could make this a lot better and much of what I have said needed to be said. This is not really a 'flame' and I have used up all the characters I've been allowed.

Well, to start with the beginning doesn't sound like how any one would really start a diary entry, let alone Craig. It seems too much like a recap, like he's briefly summing things up, like he's writing a 'story' that he intended to be read. That's not how people write journal entries.

Then he goes right for the kill. He starts talking about his secrets immediately, while in actual fact most people would only think of that later. Secondly even if Craig did own and decide to write in a diary it's highly unlike he (or anyone else for that matter) would deliberately divulge their deepest secrets. Especially right off the bat.

Supposing I was willing to look past that when Craig says 'wow I'm a fag' not only does it seem random but it's out of place. Why would he write that just because he thought it? It wouldn't be a surprise because he'd already have thought about it before writing it down. So why the 'wow' and why bother to write it out at all? It'd be like this 'And there I was eating chicken, hey did I leave the stove on?' because you have one thought and then a completely random one interrupting it, which if the person was writing that might think it but they wouldn't write it.

The way he switched topics and talks about Tweek gives the impression of a preteen girl not a teenage guy. I don't know a single guy who would ever talk like that.

The switching topic thing is abrupt and, again, out of place. If you were writing a journal you wouldn't a) switch topic so blatantly with only a few sentences devoted to each b) announce you were going to change topics, because really like it matters. or c) break the fourth wall unless this is a blog, which it's not. This is supposed to be a diary/journal he shouldn't have an audience therefore things like 'Instead of' are irrelevant because he shouldn't change the topic if he doesn't want to. He shouldn't even be explaining the fact that he's changing the topic.

The fights, if I was a kid who got suspended a lot and fought a lot, and let's be honest *won* a lot, then I'd gloat like hell and describe every moment. I wouldn't say 'I fought Stan because he was talking shit, I kicked his ass easily.' I'd say something more like "The first time I was suspended was when...' I got into this fight with Stan. He was talking all kinds of shit and I just had to kick his ass. Stan's a pussy anyway, I could have knocked him out with a single punch. And I nearly did...' Not that that makes any sense because unless it happened that day few people writing a diary/journal would even mention that. It would be enough to say that you got suspended from a fight.

And if you are 16 and have been in this many fights you'd probably get expelled not just suspended and if you took on a teacher that's assault. You get jail time for that. JAIL! not just a slap on the wrist and a 'don't come to school for_days'.

Why would someone rather be a douche than a trouble maker? How does that make sense? Wouldn't you rather be bad ass? Or kick ass? Why'd you want to a douche? It's not believable and it's just weird. And why would someone be so self-aware that they would even recognize that they were a douche if they didn't want to be?

Then you mention that he cares about his family. But you don't go into details. Or rather 'Craig' (technically the out of character, random, preteen girlish version of Craig you'd made him out to be, sorry but it's true) doesn't, he just starts laying down these rules about who not to mess with in his family. BUT THIS IS A DIARY WHO THE F IS HE TALKING TO? Why is he saying this, it doesn't make sense, it's superfluous, actually the whole thing right now seems superfluous.

"Hmm. I don't know what else to say" Hm, I'm no genius but I'm pretty sure if you have nothing else to say you stop writing. Plan and simple, you don't try and come up with more stuff about yourself, you just stop.

There's no plot to this. There just isn't, there's none, it's non-existent. When things have no plot they get boring, they get random and they get idiots like me who are too anal retentive to not tell you everything you did wrong.

I hate to ask these because they always sounds rude but I ask them legitimately and honestly "Why did you write this? What were you thinking when you wrote this? Why did you think other people would like to read this?" If you wrote it to let out an idea that you couldn't stop thinking about that's fine (doesn't mean you have to publish it though) If you were thinking that you wanted to write a diary of Craig and wanted to see where it took you, that's find (again feel free to finish it and leave it on your hard drive) and if you didn't really have any real reason why you thought people would like to read this than you should have just left it alone.

This did not entertain me. This was just there, it was not intriguing, it did not make me think, it was just annoying and very, very, random in the one of the worst senses possible. There are many fanfiction stories written like this and I do not have the time to tell them all this but I will tell you so that you may improve upon. This is criticism, I am telling you what you did wrong, if I were to go the extra mile and make it really constructive I'd be here for a long, long time and it'd take many reviews.

Your biggest problem is no one would ever write this, Craig would never write this and not even Butters would ever write this. Your grammar is acceptable, your writing technique is not. I don't mean to say that's its horrible or anything it's just what I like to call and assume it's 'too-much-like-you' too much like you're saying it while trying to be someone else then the character actually writing it.

Your next problem is point, this story goes nowhere, ends nowhere and begins someone in the realm of 'Huh?'. There is no Creek stuff, there is no friendship, there is no school related issues, or home related issues, there are no fights that mean anything, there is no moral, there is no climax, there is no conclusion and therefore an end (In the sense of something more than when you just decided to stop writing) and there is no point. It's too short- no let's just face it just doesn't go anywhere it has nothing to do with length. It just stays. It arrives on the scene, via train, with a one way ticket to fandom, gets shoved ruffly off the train with no explanation and then it waits. It waits and it waits and it busies itself my telling everyone it can pointless information that all have the potential to lead it somewhere, to lead the story out of the bleak train station in which it has stopped, but it never goes. It looks and lists all the exits but it stays. It stays and it waits. Gaining looks from passersby and one or two really annoyed people but mostly it doesn't do much.

Your next problem is kind of minor, not that the subject doesn't matter but you've done far worse things. You've killed Craig! No, not Kenny, Craig. You tried to give him life, you tried to make it seem like he was a bored kid who wanted a car for his birthday but was stuck with a godforsaken journal but then you dug a hole, a deep, deep hole of all the possible cliches that are given to him, being in love with Tweek, getting in trouble at school, inattentive father, bratty sister who he still loves for some inexplicable reason, still harboring anger for a stolen 100$ that happened like what 8 years ago? I mean I'd be mad but it wouldn't be worthy of mentioning on my very first journal entry page, anyway back to the point. You've dug this huge whole of cliches and then you push him in it. And he fell, and you killed him.

Damn, bet you're starting to really hate me now huh? I honestly do hope you're reading this and taking this seriously because fanfiction is still serious literary writing, it's just using stolen characters. Okay so here's a tip if you want to learn how to write a journal you have a couple of options the two most likely being steal a journal from someone and see how they write it or if you're not the thieving type you could write your own, by hand because it's harder. And I mean write your own every single fricken day until you are satisfied that you've written enough, this may take a month or two at least. Then read what you have written, only you (don't let anyone else read it ever) and then see a few things. In the beginning you might write it just like Craig did but by the end you're going to be too lazy to write when you can think of anything else and you should be mostly talking about what happened that day if you can't come up, and you shouldn't be able to, with anything more exciting than that that you haven't already mentioned that fits with YOU and if not a story.

You could try getting actually 16 year old guys you know to write a journal entry and then see what they write, it may prove difficult but it may help if you have a hard time imagining things like that.

Oh and here's something that really bugs me that I just thought of which you kind of did but not really. No one is two words. No. One. No {space} one. It's not noone, noone is not a word it's just none with an extra no as far as I'm concerned and it's also not no-one, it's just no one meaning not one person.

Well it hasn't rea