Reviews for Lies and Deceit
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
Oh so sad but thanks for the read
MerriWyllow chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
This just broke me. I want to cry for both of them.
watchyouwalk chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Whoa snap, I never reviewed this? Weird, because I think I remember reading it... anyhow, way to crush my soul! These two idiots make quite the angsty pair.

And in case you were wondering why you were getting reviews on this story after so much time, it was rec'd on Paint It Red. :)

Miss your face! Hope things are going well.
tromana chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Oh, nice. In a painful way, of course.
Miss Peg chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Ouchie. I really hate the idea of Jane using Lisbon but at the same time it sort of fits in some ways, trying to make himself feel better, needing that comfort...only to realise that actually it means more. Painful end.
Mentalgal chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
It's sad, but it's very well written, and bbelievable.
seven days later chapter 1 . 4/20/2010

give me jisbon!

I would hurt you if I didn't think it was a damn good story. I'm all in favour of happy endings, but I have to admit, this is their story. If the characters on the show were to get together, this is how they would end. However sad it makes me, it is the truth.

You have done extremely well.

-Seven x x
Heroes.Heroines chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
aw, that's sad. very strong emotion in this, good job
713135 chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
That was beautifully sad. I loved it. :)
BottleOfStars chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
wow, this is beautiful! i love it! dark and lovely! something i love! great work! hope to see more of these types of work from you. :)
lil smiles chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
Oh my. I guess angst is in the air. That was a lovely, dark, little piece.