Reviews for Memories of hospital fodder
Pagliacci-11 chapter 1 . 4/19
Hey. Gave your little story a read and honestly it was in my opinion, hilarious. It really captures not only the agony but the genuine frustration that comes with playing this classic game. Very well done.

I also have to say, I love how you made this guy's account of this a mixture of agonizing that he never really gets used to the pain of being blown to bits but also just getting irked with the game. Like a exacerbated tour guide whose eventually going to reach the bring of insanity of he stays there too much longer.
JimHarbis chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
If there were just a wee bit more of the backstory/main story mainly a reason for being in the Minefield in the first place... it'd be a bit better. but overall, i liked it!