Reviews for Decept
deweydandelion5 chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
I love it! I like the different angle you took, so it was pretty much only focused on the Decepticon side of things. It kinda made me pity him when he talked about everything bad that had happened. Everyone gets stuck on the wrong side of good and evil right? Anyway, this is definitely a really great story!
CoraxOnyx chapter 1 . 5/17/2010
I LIKE this. It makes sense for Barricade to use the humans to enhance his disguise. He's a smart guy who has been hiding on Earth for a while now. I really like the analogy you make at the beginning with the crocodile. If a bunch of lesser organisms will do your maintenance for you, why not let them?
libbybird chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
very interesting. hope to see more from you soon. liked that barricade has human friends that are willing to hide him.