Reviews for Neon Genesis: Angel 4: Child of the Angels
Barricade chapter 8 . 10/14/2012
You gave up on this one?
Celestia's Paladin chapter 9 . 1/22/2012
Ok this may be a stupid question, but how many universe have you crossed into this story line?
Celestia's Paladin chapter 4 . 1/22/2012
Holo-sensei? Let me guess... she is an Goddess of the Harvest, has a taste for apples and booze, and can turn into a very large wolf?
Barricade chapter 9 . 9/19/2011
Hmm, this seems way more disjointed then your usual work lately. Almost as if this chapter was a collection of notes, rather then an actual finished chapter. That and with no breaks between who's talking to whom and which scene the discussion is can lead to a bit of a whiplash/cross-eyed effect in figuring out what's going on.

Interesting idea about both girls being Demons, and at that, both of them are half-demons more or less. Taiho because the DNA mix is half that of what every other cloned girl on the planet is from (forgot her name at the moment...Lime, Bloodberry, and Cherry's adopted mother) and that of her demonic father. Maggy because of her father. On that note, I think Mana might want to not only be extra hard on Maggy about teaching her her powers (btw, am I sensing the rest of the Demonic equivalent to the Norns, finally appearing with these two?) but also leave out a few small gaps just in case down the road Maggy goes on a rampage. The former as a kind of apology about her mother's death (and in a way, honoring the mother's last acts, which were damn honorable), while the latter is to make sure Maggy doesn't try to take out Mana.

And I see Loki has been found at last. And from the looks of the other story you just started, he's in the Buffyverse. I find this amusing in the highest degree. Simply because the level of snark is going to be through the roof upon the Scoobies discovering there are powers out there that the PTB would piss themselves over in getting angry, or that Glory is one incredibly weak Hell 'god'.
Marcos Edson chapter 9 . 9/18/2011
Oh, unseen this was, two teen demons there are... Interesting twist, indeed., cant wait for more!
Anexsis Hirotomi chapter 9 . 9/17/2011
~glomp~ yay! Well of course you'd throw me for a loop, 2 demons... mana's past yet again biting her in the ass, now her future too! hmm... and I wonder who "him" is that they found... *coughlokicough* :P


ps can't wait for the next story! XD
Zoro50 chapter 9 . 9/17/2011
Glad to see you picking this back up. Its been to long
Neferius chapter 9 . 9/17/2011
Just when I thought I knew who the demon was...I was only half right. Awesome little surprise there.

So many possibilities with new demons on well as possible future threats from both of them, gonna be interesting.

I can't wait for more.

Read ya Later
boomer sooner chapter 9 . 9/16/2011

Well, that word has absolutely no resemblance to another word describing a major group of people in the story. Not at all.
Marcos Edson chapter 8 . 1/3/2011
Greetings! Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I should have read these new two nice chapters long before but something was always on the way... Anyway, Gabby is really turning a very interesting (and powerful?) character, cant wait to see what you have in mind to her in this and future stories!
Neferius chapter 8 . 12/20/2010
And lovely foreshadowing. Now I want to read your next HP fic XD.

Messenger of time sounds good to me. Kind of a dangerous ability in some ways, but it's interesting.

As always, I'm anxious for more, so I hope to see the next installment soon.

Read ya Later
Neferius chapter 7 . 12/20/2010
I"m so glad to see this chapter come out...I was about ready to start bugging you with pm's.

I'm hoping Gabby has some slight alterations to her battle form, as Sayoko's and Kristine's robes are altered versions of Belldandy's, so should Gabby. Nothing major, but accounting for her mixed blood. Still, Arael's form is awesome, so no complaints.

Read ya right now actually!
Barricade chapter 7 . 12/20/2010
WHEEEEE! An Update!

*does the happy dance*

I get Tron Legacy and two updates for NG:G Angel 4, all in the space of a week. Oh yeah.

I'm going to likely save most of my comments for next chapter's review as I'm half dead asleep at the moment (yay snow all OVER the place, and needing to be shoveled before work tomorrow...ugh), but...

'Messenger of Time'? Okay, there's got to be more to Gabby's form then a 'simple' mimic of her mother. 90% similarity and all, but at least a few differences. Or when she starts tapping into her goddess powers while in her 'angel' form, things start shifting around. Reason I say this is because I know you're devious, and like to pull off a few surprises.

And then there's her being able to completely tap into the timestream in a way that even Peorth can't (Goddess of Eternity, iirc). Especially that part about her looking into the past during the original Mana arc, and giving us a view into a part of that balcony scene we never saw earlier (although I suggest retconning it in to make new viewers go "wait? what?" and read on to find out). Oh and if Gabby is a 15-16 something (forgot her age at the moment, need to read back a bit), then Yoko is at least in her 20s by now, which could lead into some interesting 'Big Sister' setup roles.

And then there's Harry & Hogwarts, and Mana getting KO'd. Again. I think we're going to need to start a drinking game, shortly, if this keeps up between the two of them. That or a few Jean Grey jokes.
Sailor Enlil chapter 7 . 12/19/2010
Nice to see this fic is still going.

By the way, I had a good laugh at the divebombing pigeon joke :D
Zero Asakura chapter 8 . 12/19/2010
It's nice to see this update!

Well... I wonder, does this mean there is going to be another sequel to the HP fic?

please update as swoon as you can!

since there's soon the holidays I wish you the best for them!
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