Reviews for The Only Exception
Jaiaelle chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Is this AU? It seems AU...Quinn's parents divorcing at 8 and all.

This is exactly how I view Quinn. She keeps everyone at arm's length. We've never seen her truly let loose and natural. I feel that Artie could be one to help her just be herself...maybe even bring our dorky side! Currently on the show, I think, also, that Artie could be a good influence on Quinn.

Oh, how sad! I wish Q's mom had forgiven Q's dad...and then a car accident?

Oh gosh, even more sad! Thinking it's her fault. :(

Whoa. Judy not Quinn's mom...twist I didn't see coming!

Ugh, Tartie. Ugh, Quick. Ugh.

I wouldn't want Tina around either. But Quinn's reason is because she likes Artie!

I LOVE that Quinn prefers him in his sweaters and etc.

Of course she has always loved him and he has always loved her! It's so obvious! I want the show to lead up to something like this! Beautiful, epic, Quartie endgame.

This is so sweet. I did read it before (awhile ago) but it deserved a review!
StarzOfDraco chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
Oh, this is just perfect! Love it!
Average Everyday Sane Psycho chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
loved this piece
Supercross2415 chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
This is pure genius. Best fanfic I've ever read.
coffee-stained lips chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
I never did get the ship of Quinn/Artie. They rarely converse and they're so different: popular yet misunderstood pregnant ex-cheerleader and dorky paraplegic nerd. But I saw a YouTube video and fell in love. Then I read this, and fell even deeper.

Though they'll never be canon unless some weird thing happens, Artie/Quinn is now a Glee favorite.
empty-imaginations chapter 1 . 6/4/2010
i read this like, 3 times.

i'm seriously in love with this.
boooootiful chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
this is the first Quinn/Artie fanfic i read. it's such a beautiful story.
deviltown chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
OMG, that was so sad, poor Quinn!
gigundoly chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
Aww, so beautiful! Such a tear-jerker! I've seen lots of creative interpretations of Artie's accident, but having Quinn be affected was such an unusual choice.
Well done!
wildnorth chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
loved the artie quinn stuff! (: read mine, it's about quinn too. (:
Bubbles chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
I'm so mad you made it so sad! But I really liked this story. I also love your connections from Artie to Quinn. :D
tomorrowsjustadreamaway chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Kris, this was amazing. I absolutely loved it, and it made me tear up lol, in a good way. So well written, and it all just flows together. I should have guessed the title before I read it. :P Anyway, I adore this; one of my favorite things you've written. So sweet. Wonderful job. :') 3