Reviews for Ienzo?
Guest chapter 4 . 5/27/2019
I would definitely like a continuation, and for ideas you could maybe write about how this affects the more recent developments in the series.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
This fic is awesome! I read it a while ago and then I lost it, then I looked for it for months, and now I found it!
Guest chapter 3 . 5/7/2018
Technically, I'd be considered a child genius, and it's not too different. The main difference I notice from other people my age is that I get things faster, and I sometimes learn faster. I have ADHD too, so my short term memory is horrible sometimes. Basically at least once a day, I go to a different room in my house to get something, but by the time I get to the right place, I've completely forgotten what I was getting.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/7/2018
You should definitely continue, this is great! There are other stories with a sort of similar idea(mostly just Vexen's experiments malfunctioning and them turning back into kids or getting hearts or whatever), but this is by far the most well written. I love it! I don't know what should happen next, though. Maybe since you've taken a break from it, you might have new ideas.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Oh my gosh this is so so so awesome! If Zexion had been the size of Ienzo, during the Riku fight I would either die of awesomeness or laughter.
Vailex chapter 4 . 5/15/2017
Zexion will become God
SparkyIceblaze135 chapter 4 . 2/22/2016
plz continue its amazing, I've been looking for story like this and I hope it continues
kairi436 chapter 4 . 3/28/2014
i vote you should make more chapters
Smileynyankurocat chapter 4 . 1/4/2014
how bout just make this story about zexion and org XIII what they do in their daily life aside from doing missions? like demyx pranking the superior and saix, or roxas is on sugar high and mess everything up?
Smileynyankurocat chapter 3 . 1/4/2014
Number XI wasn't sure what
he was expecting: a gun, a
porn magazine, maybe even
his right eye. LOL! XD His right eye! wow, i never expect that xigbar would be nice o.O That guy give me creepes...
Smileynyankurocat chapter 2 . 1/4/2014
"What if
this disease makes me
stupid? What if I end up like
Axel or Marluxia or
Larxene?" i think larxene will throw her knives at him if she hears this :x Anyway, this story is really funny and awesome! on to the next chapter! :D
Smileynyankurocat chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Sure, Zexion was
hard to wake up in the
morning, but after the daily
ritual of Demyx going to the
kitchen, making a mess,
then being yelled at by Axel,
who gets yelled at by Roxas,
who gets laughed at by
Xigbar, who accidentally
shoots Vexen, who yells
death threats at them all,
Zexion usually wakes up.

lol! can't stop laughing about it! XD
bluedancingkittykat chapter 4 . 8/25/2013
Just do a 8yr old Zrxys life in the castle and how the others interact with him
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 3 . 7/25/2013
Aww, that was so sweet of Xigbar to get him a gift in hopes to make him feel better. The image of little Ienzo holding a teddy bear is adorable. Axel just had to make another jerk move. Usually I like him, but in this story he's plain cruel.

It is interesting that you had Demyx mention that Ienzo never had a chance to be a child. It's nice to know that once he feels better he allows himself to live out the childhood he never got to before.

Nice job with this story.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 2 . 7/25/2013
They are so mean, especially Axel. He should at least wait until Zexion is feeling better before he starts picking on him. Demyx and Roxas are good caretakers, how nice they're being to him.

The part where Zexion freaks out because he thinks the disease might turn him stupid is pretty funny, esepcially when he lists the members he thinks are stupid. The whole thing with the chocolate milk shows that deep down Zexion is still a child. It's easy to believe he had panic attacks as a kid.

Nice job with this chapter.
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