Reviews for One Night in Forks
1sunfun chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
Narges chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Very beautiful. It's always sad to see any parent or child without the other. My brother was also seperard from his daughter after divorce for about 5 years. H ex took their daughter a month afIf i forcter it, witho saying to him that they were going to another country and never let my niece to contact her father. She was 7 at the time. After 5 years when my brother's ex had financial problems called back and said she would allow him to ocasionaly meet his daughter if he paid for all her expences. My brother did'nt even know until then which country they were living in.
You know what the sad part is, the court have had given him the part custody and he could have get his daughter back through interpol. But he said "my daughter needs to have peace in her life. If my wife and I drag this out, it will become like a war zone with my daughter in the middle. And I won't do it to her."
Rasa.Ra chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Brilliant! Loved it.. What an insight.. Thank you
InkHeart17 chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
This is awesome! I love your take on the first meeting of the best Twilight dads. Seemed very realistic in circumstance. Great job!
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
What a terrific piece. I love this little snapshot, the moment where Carlisle impresses Charlie enough that he'll fight with Billy over the new town doctor. And I love the complexity of the father/daughter relationship. So sweet!
StormDragonfly chapter 1 . 2/9/2012

This story has been on my TBR list for so long, I don't remember where I first came across it. I am so glad that I got to reading it tonight.

First, the town of Forks as seen through the eyes of a seasoned adult. You give us a mature, more realistic feel while still keeping it canon. (You even have me wondering if Forks really did have a strip joint once.) The especially nice touch is that the wound Charlie receives isn't from a bullet or a knife, but a screwdriver.

The characters pop out strongly: the panicking unknown Good Samaritan, the green-about-the-gills Ollie, the no-nonsense smart Telise.

And Carlisle, my soft spot. I love that Charlie mistook him for a med student. I love the A&F reference, which I used in my own story as a nod to NPR's Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me. Is yours in there for the same reason and/or from same source?

"Obviously much older than he looked." Cue appreciative snort. :)

Somehow you managed to draw both a parallel and a contrast between Carlisle and Charlie. Carlisle has his wife, Charlie doesn't, but they're both devoted fathers to teenage children. Only Carlisle gets to see his. Charlie is intimidated even before he knows *that* is the difference he senses between Carlisle and himself. That Carlisle would not hesitate in picking up that phone if their positions were reversed.

Charlie's loneliness is so palpable. I love how you save what brought about the screwdriver incident until the end, so that we might feel how much Charlie misses Bella that much more.

Gah! I love this one-shot so much, and I'm sure that there was so much more I wanted to comment on. Charlie opening up to Carlisle, Emmett being a football player. Suffice it to say, I stopped halfway through this to open up the review box and start praising it on Twitter. As soon as I send this review I am linking it.

Thank you for this.
raizie chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
Thanks to Gissell for the mention on her Ask Carlisle! I don't generally like one shots, but this fits into canon so well, it was very enjoyable. Thanks.
Josie Shane chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
That was great... I think you did an excellent job with both Carlisle and Charlie's character. Would love to read more Charlie stories. I always love the authors brave enough to write the minor characters.

Thank you for sharing!
LeeseeQ chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Wow, what a great narrative! Your interpretation of Charlie and Carlisle was PERFECT. I'm so glad to be privy to this "missing moment" in the Twilight series. It makes both Charlie and Carlisle more in-depth characters in my mind. In the books when Charlie speaks of Dr Cullen when Bella fist mentions the Cullens, there is obviously some respect and history there, it's wonderful to read a little about what that history could have been. Wonderfully written and so well in character- you are truly talented!
2lulu2 chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
this was so great! i've never read a story like this before. it was so intriguing to hear from charlie's point of view and especially before all the twilight stuff. great idea and really well written!
persephonesfolly chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
Good story, but it left me dying to know whay Carlisle handed Charlie the phone. Did he pick up on Charlie missing Bella? Carlise isn't the mind-reader, but with his gift of empathy and compassion...

Anyhow, just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed the story.
Capricorn75 chapter 1 . 5/20/2010
Oh my gosh, that was so lovely! You really captured the small town ambience. Charlie and Carlisle's characters were spot on. It fits perfectly with canon and the tone of Stephenie's. Thanks for sharing!
thepinktabby chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
AWW! I loved it! I could hear Carlisle's 'voice' in my head, I could see the quiet compassion that he gave out. LOL I also liked Charlie's voice and how descriptive you were about the people attending to him. It really did give the reader a sense of how small a town Forks is, if Charlie knew everyone.

It's an awesome read.
shc92 chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
I really enjoyed this. I was just happily reading along and realized I'd reached the end. :( The interactions, Charlie's inner dialogue, reflections and questions all flowed so naturally. I like the way you painted a more realistic picture of a small town - familiarity, the guy coming out to help because he was needed. Great job. Awesome Carlisle/Charlie intro. Good luck in the contest!
Crispy Anakin chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
I always like Charlie centric stories. You did a good job at capturing this moment.
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