Reviews for Another Side, Another Story: Nightfall
chibianimefan26 chapter 19 . 11/24/2013
So... this finished...
Kathiena chapter 19 . 10/27/2011
Wow im reviewing! this is a first XD

I've gotta say, the story line wasnt that bad, in fact it was pretty good, some bit just needed to be rewritten/explained more. Apart from that, i loved the first story and this one and im not just saying that, the first one, was one of the only storys to make me cry while reading it. your a good writer.

if you ever finish the story, i'd love to read it, cuz like i said earlier, it is a good storyline. though, if you do finish it, and, Vanessa ends up with Roxas some how, i think i would love it even more, though i do love Riku, Roxas is a very close second, with Sora a very close third lol.

Anyway! im gunna go before i ramble on!

Keep it going!


Tina chapter 19 . 8/4/2011
Aww and i was really enjoying your writing :( This story is by far one of the most original fanfictions i've read for kingdom hearts! Miss ya girl
Ijustlikewriting95 chapter 19 . 1/17/2011
Damn e-mail for putting this update in spam. *Crushes e-mail, crushes it.*

And, I completely understand.

College and LIFE should come first before anything else.

It's been a good time reading your stories though. It's REALLY hard to a find a good story without a complete Mary-sue in them. And your stories are very original.

I hope your career as a writer goes a good, you've got the potential for it!

Good luck in college and everything.

Did you notice I actually logged in? :D


yea, it's amusing to know I'm known as the lazyass who doesn't log in to you.
MysteryGirl chapter 8 . 12/17/2010
Listen, I really like yur story and Vanessa. don't give up on this story. Just because you're in college dosen't mean you shouldn't continue your story. Get back on it whenever you can, don't dissappoint your fans. Even if it takes your 5 weeks to write one story each or till the next summer to start writing again. Just think about it.
fictionalcharacterwish chapter 19 . 12/11/2010
that's all? :( oh well. it was a great story anyways. can't wait for your new ones!
A Fish That Has A Secret Wish chapter 19 . 12/7/2010
Well, it was fun while it lasted. I hoped you learned from this experience. I have.

Thanks for the story.

Thequietninja chapter 19 . 12/6/2010
*falls on knees* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!*hour later*OOOOOOOOOOOOO! *gasp for air* this cannot happen! stupid college and their. . . their. . . smart-ness. . .
Shifuni chapter 19 . 12/6/2010
Well this was a good story while it lasted, anyways i appericated that you at least wrote it casue it was good :D
Xenia-Merlo chapter 19 . 12/6/2010
Yukiko: *sigh*

Kimiko: *frown*

Yukiko: I'm upset now... i saw an update but then authors note so i saw this coming...

Kimiko: Yeah... though we really would have like it if you would have done a brief summary of what WAS going to happen and how the stoyr would end... NOW IM CURIOUS .

Yukiko: Well your right you had a really good run, hope to see new writing form you soemtimes soon because you really are one of my favorite writers here on facebook.

Kimiko: Yeah same here. Hopefully we WILL here from you! Bye bye!

Yukiko: See ya!

-The Misaki Sisters
A Fish That Has A Secret Wish chapter 18 . 12/5/2010
That was interesting. I felt like Riku was getting some kind of convoluted peek at the inside of Vanessa through Zero. Now I reallllllly wanna see Zero and Axel with a least a smidge of decency towards each other.

And by the way, 'not even a month'? According to your note in this chapter, you said you'd have the next chapter out...roughly three months ago. I guess your excuse could be 'well, I never said it wouldn't take 3 months'.

Yea. Update.

A Fish That Has A Secret Wish chapter 17 . 12/5/2010
I don't think you'll ever realize how much I love Zero after this, and how much I love you for writing her. I could totally see this, and as odd as it may be, this was probably one of your best-written chapters I've read. Which excites me for what may come.

No but seriously. Zero makes my fuck-ing day. I'll miss her.

A Fish That Has A Secret Wish chapter 16 . 12/5/2010
Merh. Nessa. Work with me. You can't be so bi-polar for no damn reason. I mean, I know she had a reason, and I know she has 'anger-issues', but it's already been described that she holds it in and cries, and Zero lashes out. So why all of a sudden is she 'just like Zero' in that she lashes out too?

And the whole 'choosing Riku over Roxas' thing? It had to happen. Or else, she had to at least let go of Roxas, since, you know, he no longer exsists as a separate entity. I know she could just be having a guilt-trip, but it still doesn't make sense.

And there's one line, where Vanessa accuses Riku of abandoning her again, that almost wholeheartedly supports my idea of her just being desperate for attachment. I mean, technically she left him, AND told him not to follow, AND has been hopping worlds since then. How is that abandonment on Riku's part? Is he supposed to have a tracker on her? Oh, but then she'd call him a stalker.

Vanessa is a mess. There, I said it.

But I still like your story. And Zero. And I kind of want Zero and Axel together, not in a full on pairing, but some kind of relationship that puts them together in the end. And then they both die. I feel like that'd be well played.

A Fish That Has A Secret Wish chapter 13 . 12/5/2010
Oh man. I LOVED Zero's bit at the end of the chapter. I'll admit the entire flow of the chapter before hand was fast, choppy, and awkward. But THIS was amazing. Now, I don't understand when Xiggy wanted Demyx dead...

But Zero's little scene at the end was just awesome. I could clearly see what was going on. And I understand how she feels. The opposite of Roxas, in a way.

Keep her up.

A Fish That Has A Secret Wish chapter 10 . 12/5/2010
Merh. I agree with Zero how pathetic Demyx is in here. You've got him so whiny. Not a bad thing, just different. If he calls Zero 'cold' one more time, I'll want him dead myself.

Now, Zero's getting a bit redundant, and if she's so 'cold' why does she even waste time with Kairi? If it's because of her bond with Sora, I doubt she would've even mentioned Nessa. It doesn't make sense for her too.

I also don't understand how it is that Zero is 'inferior' to everyone despite how much of a 'Nobody' she really is. It's been mentioned a number of times that she's lack expressive than even Saix, and more angry than him otherwise. So at some point I feel like she'd get more attention, especially from Xemnas for his plans.

Just a bunch of questions I've got. Hopefully they clear up in the story.

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