Reviews for And Deliver Us
Guest chapter 19 . 9/4/2015
Devastated that this isn't finished
xHP-mOmx chapter 19 . 5/10/2014
Great story! I just happened to come across it and it hasn't been updated in years! What a shame, I would live to know how it ends!
walk-the-line chapter 19 . 10/30/2013
Hey I know you haven't updated in forever but I've been going through the Draco and Ginny Archives to find some good reading and I found this story, I really enjoyed it and hope that you will update again sometime
EllisElliot chapter 5 . 1/17/2013
Love it so far
Manon chapter 19 . 10/10/2012
Please tell me that there will be some Blaise and Ginny Scenes that suggest an understanding between them. Ginny is going to heal Blaise because that is what she does. If Blaise is a Death Eater (which I cannot really believe) he's turned around by the healing. As you can see I love you story because otherwise I never would care for how it continues.
Covered in Bruises chapter 18 . 3/26/2012
I really hate that Ginny and Draco are kind of crappy people and they get to bet together when Ron and Hermione are both great and they don't.
chic-on-speed chapter 19 . 2/13/2012
Hey i love this story... Please post the next chapter! Please! Please! Please!
Lyan chapter 19 . 1/17/2012
Your story is really good !

Seriously all those emotions !

Please update !

hatebelow chapter 18 . 12/28/2011
I love Draco and his confession of love. Such a good fic.
hatebelow chapter 16 . 12/28/2011
This is by far the best chapter you have written! The chapter development of blaise could not have been more beautiful n perfect. The death of his sisters and execution of Cole warrington was amazing. I could see every bit of the imagery in my head. I loved when Ginny approached Blaise n Draco pulled him away. And the last line really summed up zabini perrrrfectly. Please oh please update.
hatebelow chapter 2 . 12/26/2011
Rarely do I review two chapters in a row but this line was too good to pass up on "There were certain things that Draco Malfoy detested. Harry Potter, the Weasleys, his father, Gryffindors and latecomers. It was a week since his meeting with Crabbe and Goyle and now he was sitting in a small café in Diagon Alley, waiting for a man the two boys had told him about. They had said he would be there at one thirty. It was now one thirty-nine and Draco's patience was already waning." Wow so very Draco. Yours feels the most in line with cannon minus the fact that he killed a man in your story. But the DG interaction was perfect. Spit fire Ginny seems the closest to cannon as well and so when people write her this way, Im usually really excited. This was really well written and seems to be really well thought out.
hatebelow chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
"Why the hell would I tarnish my skin with that foul little sign? If I wanted the Dark Lord to know where I was, I'd paint a scar on my bloody forehead." This sums Draco up perfectly. He doesn't want to be a death eater because he answers to no one. Including Voldemort, who is incredibly demanding of his followers. On top of that, Draco is vein. His beautiful skin isn't worth following a monster. I really enjoyed this chapter.
enchantedstarlight chapter 19 . 11/29/2011
Just stayed up all night reading this one and I wanted to let you know that it is awesome. The mystery of who was causing the trouble at Hogwarts was well done. Now that the culprit is revealed, I'm totally intrigued to see how this plays out - I totally did not guess who it was! I really liked the way you made Zabini such a wild card and Goyle is great - he doesn't need to say much, but I really like his loyalty. I'm eager to see how this goes. A very, very enjoyable story. (tho, I do have one small nit - Ginevra's name is consistently spelled incorrectly which kind of sticks out every time.) Thanks again for sharing this gem of a story!
Miss-Talkative chapter 19 . 9/18/2011
My apologies for the late review. I'm so glad you updated my heart skipped a beat when I got the alert. I find your writing riveting, I'm just shock at the amount of reviews it deserves a hell lot of more!

I love how this chapter explored the other characters, the scene between Hermione and Ron was sweet...I understand Hermiones reservation about Harry and Hannah, it's realistic. Ahhh Pansy! You sure write her evilness well, at least from that scene we see how much Ginny means to him.

I look forward to reading more and also I'm glad you have not given up on the other story! Thank you my dear! Hope real life let's you update sooner!

Shai x
eau de toilette chapter 19 . 9/7/2011
Omg! im pretty hooked with this history! This seriously need to have more reviews! some time ago , I read drift and it was really angsty for me but this one , well has a great plot and I just love it!

I hope you can update soon!
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