Reviews for Team Gai: Parents
Guest chapter 2 . 11/6/2018
Yup, Nejis the angstiest bishie that ever did angst. Well said.
StarCatcher1858 chapter 3 . 6/21/2018
Dear sweet Tenten! First of all, I absolutely love the ending: how, like Lee, she decides that it's better to have Team Gai than family. I like how you made Tenten's backstory similar to Lee's, with the difference being that Lee has a "gotta be better than that" attitude, while Tenten's all "hakuna matata".

All in all, this is a great piece of work! Thank you so much for sharing!
StarCatcher1858 chapter 2 . 6/21/2018
(Out of Team Gai, Neji is my fave tbh) Everybody knows about Neji's dad, so I love it that you use this fic to explore what might have happened with his mom. This is so very tragic - no wonder this angsty bishie grew up to be so angsty! Also, most people deal with missing moms using the "died in childbirth" or "got sick" (or occasionally, "got killed in a mission") route, so I love that you used a mental illness here.
StarCatcher1858 chapter 1 . 6/21/2018
This entire story broke my heart. I always love stories in which Team Gai were all parentless, and this is one of the best interpretations out there.

On Lee's part: I love how Lee vows to be better than his parents - and the part where he thinks that Team Gai is better than parents is just so heart-rending. I like that you gave this exuberant boy a tragic backstory that builds him positively (in contrast to Neji, especially).
AnimeFan202 chapter 3 . 7/25/2016
I recently came back to reread this story and realized I never reviewed your final chapter! I feel kinda bad, because I know I read it at the time, and I've always been an advocate for Tenten deserving more fans. (Makes me feel like I'm not doing her justice.) Well, I guess I'll just have to rectify that now.

I adore your first paragraph. It's just so accurate, and I just cracks the fourth wall. And I think you pegged Tenten perfectly. I just love the tone of this chapter, and Tenten's knack for moving on without all the angst and melodrama is a perfect way to end this story. I don't know if you're still involved in the wonderful world of fanfiction, but this is one story I plan to come back to in the future and share with others so that it gets the attention it deserves.

Happy writing!
AnimeFan202 chapter 2 . 2/1/2015
I love how complex you've made their stories. It's just too simple for his mother to have been physically sick, and I like that.

I also like the last line, showing how even Neji has come to appreciate his pseudo family. I understand if it's a little too sappy for you, but after Tenten's little one-shot, I would love to see a short little thing where the members of Team Gai actually do sit down and have some sort of discussion about their biological families.
AnimeFan202 chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
If this is any indication of how the rest of the story will go... I'm really excited. :)
I'm glad that you chose Lee first (because, of all the members of Team Gai, I feel like we would have gotten a proper backstory- complete with family- for him by now) but none of their families are really gone into sans Neji, and that's really looking more at how the Hyugas as a whole operate, not really as his relationship with his father. Speaking of, where is Neji's mother? Is she dead? Not around? Not mentioned because the fact that he still had a parent who cared for him would take away from the sadness of his backstory?
Sorry, rant over, I promise.
Anyway, I really like that you're looking into this aspect of Team Gai, and I'm excited to read the next installment.
Shekiah Rosay chapter 3 . 12/27/2010
She's definitely tough-as-nails. :) I think you managed to keep her in-character better than most here, which I liked. You didn't give her a dramatic coming-of-age story, but I honestly don't think one was in order. She's kind of always just been Tenten.

Thanks for this one! :)
Glass of Milk chapter 3 . 6/18/2010
I read the first one shot a while back, but decided not to review because it didn't have a complete on it. Browsing again, I reencountered your fic.

I really liked the way you portrayed the three-speaks to them and it's not overly emotional. Hmm. _ That made no sense. Oh well. Good job!
Shekiah Rosay chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
I really like this one! Team Gai always manages to be a study in psychology, mostly because of Gai himself, I believe. :) But I really like how the studies of their actual lineages make them who they are. Anxious to read Tenten's! :D
Jayfairchild chapter 2 . 5/29/2010
I really like this story so far. I can't wait to see what you do for Tenten. I want to see how it compares to my own thoughts :)
StudyManiac chapter 1 . 5/12/2010
I really like this story. It takes a new look at one of my favorite characters, and it is well written.

PS would you do one for Gai Sensei too (after neji and tenten of course, but I just think you'd make it interesting) D