Reviews for The Winter War
timothy.nguyen.73 chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
It was OK...
salmonandsoup chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
Oh wow... this was beautiful... D: I AM IN SHOCK.
SiZodiac chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
amazing story. i especially love how you use häyhä instead of tino, real wars are terrible and not just a simple conflict between two men after all.
PianoIsLove chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
Thank you for writing this! The Winter War was an awful, awful time. :'( This was beautifully told. Kiitos!
Valoilmie chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
At first i thought that "the writer MUST be a finnish..." but i was like OMG you are from USA but you wrote so amazing story about winter war! I really like that Häyhä is in this story, for me it's hard to think Tino as soldier in war...

One word: Amazing. Keep on going.
unsettled chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
that was really cool thi :o and deep _. all of your stories are e_e! finally read it, pwuahahahahaha. but that is sad :\
war is sad. s: IMA ASK HELEN STUFF NOWW D:
RusCSI chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
I read this story yesterday, to be honest, before my sleep. But I've collected my thoughts only today

I don't appreciate wars too, and, as Simo said *but my history teacher was first xD*, "there's no winner in a war". You can 'win', invading another country and taking her under your rule, but you pay your price, your country's people.

I was on edge of tears when I had read the phrase "he closed his eyes and fired"... I swear I believed that he had killed Ivan ;u; But I'm glad he just wounded him... although it's bad too.

Yes, it's Зимняя война (the Winter War), 1939, November 30 - 1940, March 13. This is one of the reasons why the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations after it :3

It's a good story, I like it )))))

- Helen
Karneval chapter 1 . 5/7/2010
aw... I loved this! It makes me a little sad. :( But he lived! :) You are amazing!