Reviews for Tomorrow Never Comes
Ladyflame13 chapter 13 . 6/27/2012
I just read this whole story. It was pretty good, I really liked it. I'll look at your other work.
StarkidDreamer chapter 2 . 4/21/2011
I am a little confused. Why did he introduce Kurt? He's been a part of the show longer then Rogue.
New Dawn Rising chapter 13 . 3/4/2011
I did! It took me awhile to have the time (I'm finally working again), but I did. The way you left it off, it makes me wonder whether there will be a sequel.

Don't feel too bad, I don't have very many readers on my latest one, either. :/
roguelover321 chapter 13 . 2/22/2011
wow thanks
Chellerbelle chapter 13 . 2/21/2011
You're right, it has been awhile, and I'm going to have to reread it to fully appreciate what happened these last couple of chapters, haha.

I did like it, and I thought it was well written. Good work!
The Peaceful Chaotic chapter 13 . 2/21/2011

Yay! New stories.
Remy's-Gal247 chapter 11 . 2/21/2011
Well, I'm certainly sad that it's over, but that was a brilliant story. I can't wait until you get a new story out. Possibly Rogue and Remy again?
Remy's-Gal247 chapter 12 . 2/21/2011
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! Can't wait to read more!
The Peaceful Chaotic chapter 12 . 2/21/2011
Emm, WOAH!
Raven34link chapter 11 . 9/18/2010
yay Kurt awake
New Dawn Rising chapter 11 . 9/17/2010
Oh good, lock that troublemaker up! Sorry, just read a couple of chapters from different stories that made me angry. Hehe.
Remy's-Gal247 chapter 10 . 8/9/2010
The Pie Patriot chapter 10 . 8/9/2010
Absolutely are a "budding author"! Bravo!
New Dawn Rising chapter 10 . 8/8/2010
Awesome! Rogue's awake, and she's managed the near-impossible: Making Remy blush! :O I can't wait to see how they defeat Magneto.
Raven34link chapter 10 . 8/8/2010
lol love the ending
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