Reviews for How Carlos's Tooth Got in Kendall's Mouth
crazyrusher chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
Hilarious he he
NarikotheShadow chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
Haha seems like a perfectly rational explanation to me xD awesome story by the way! :)
Isabel chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
Me encantó tu fic. Me pareció bastante creativo y no paré de reir. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
very cool! but really how does that happen.
Tadzio Ritsuka chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
wow your like the post-modern writer of fanfiction
BlaseBlanco chapter 1 . 3/1/2011
This was absolutely freaking hilarious.

I haven't watched the show too much, but I love Kendall and you wrote him so well.

Also, that's pretty much the greatest title EVER.

You made my day.
CapriceSquire chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
. !
fflvr chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
I luvvvv Kendal :) "I need to be pretty" that cracked me up so muchh! At the end I was like, wtf but randomness roks. I like the way u write James better than in the show. Keep it up!
YukiKurabayashi chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Oh God...I love you now O.O
SaltyDishwater chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
That was beautiful. :) The explanaion of Kendall's magic teeth was the best. .

Great job. :)

The Brat Prince chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
. Okay? Is that okay? Because I hope it's okay. Because you should.

I'm so glad we have South Park people in this fandom now. I think South Park-BTR fans should make up some kind of secret handshake, because well, awesomeness. Ahem, digressing. This made me crack up. Particularly this, "He once told them that if he didn't the world would end. Or something. Carlos wasn't actually listening. "I need to make myself pretty."" And the part about Carlos seeing stars always, and a few other lines, and you have changed Big Time Photo Shoot for me forever and I thank you for it. I'm delighted. This really was just adorable and I love the pairing and it had just the right touch of comedy.

Also, thanks for pimping out my fic. :) That was a flattering surprise.
Hey Missy chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
ok, the truth: i don't watch BTR - and obviously i'm missing out because looking at hot dudes is always good, no matter what - but...a good story is always a good story so i really enjoyed reading this.
R.A.I.731 chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
several things about ur story

i read the title i got so damn confused because

first stories summary has the same title as urs

u havent read it please do: No,That's My Tooth

who the yell kisses so hard they knock a tooth out?

u overdose of pain meds,u would fal asleep cuz thats what pain meds do.

6.i hated this story at first.

i liked it

i didnt like it again (see 1,2 and 3.)

is not that mirror-hoggering!

u even watch the episode? because

really didnt match the storyline of the episode to well

12. and last but not least...

13.i swear this was just random as hell.

have fun
QueenKimo chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
Um okay. PI liked it until it got to the part where his tooth comes out. Some parts were kinda funny, but it just didn't make all. Like, I'm sorry if that sounds bad but...I highly doubt someone would be kissing so hard as to jar someone else's tooth out, and get it completely stuck in the back of their mouth. I mean...really? Don't get me wrong, the writing was excelent, no grammar or spelling errors. Its just...the story just seemed too long and made no sense, sorry. No offence.
MinuteCloser2Failing chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
Fucking AWESOME. I love how Carlos was all "hmm wtf just happened... helmet!" the whole time! XD

Umumum I was bored so I read your longass author's note (half of which the words blended in with one another because I am just so so high...jking) and and and:

"I seriously can't take Carlos seriously in a relationship, though. He's too immature lol. I guess that James/Carlos is going to be even more crack. Or not I think I have a plan to make that work outRAPEoh excuse me what was that certain"

:if you wrote a Carlos rape I would lovelovelove you FOREVER. -twinkly eyes-

kai152. deviantart. com

-bribes you with one bad drawing coupon?- :D
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