Reviews for Warning Labels
Bookish0278 chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Thanks for the warning, very cute!
BabyCastle09 chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
i plug mine into my docking station or have my laptop playing when i straighten my hair, cause like Becks in this, i learnt the hard and painful story.

Love BC XO
stevieLUVSAlex chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
This is TOO cute, gotta love Castle too, he is adoreable, even when he opens his mouth without a warning label. lol. :)
tridecalogisms chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
"Yea, well, there should be a warning label on your mouth – any and all remarks may result in pain."

hahaha...poor kate, but i loved it!
ELfict chapter 1 . 7/9/2010
haha, so funny. I'm sorry for your fingers, though. But I think it was necssary, because otherwise this story wouldn't exist, right? Very funny, and I expecially like the Castle's remark about not having to get 'all dolled up' for him. Briliant. This made my day. And I hope by now that your fingers are all better, since this story was posted a while ago... It must be hard to type with burnt fingers and I don't want you to be hurting while writing another story. That would be kind of inconvenient. And painful.

In the end, it's good that they don't put certain warnings on things like a flat iron, you know? Stupid actions lead into funny stories... :P

Wow, I sure do write long reviews. Well, I'll stop now. Hope you're fingers are better. :)
andy1990 chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
muuski chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Oh, who hasn't burnt themselves with a hair straightener. I was doing my friends fringe and accidentaly burnt her forehead... two years later and there's still a mark! P Cute fic.
lostwlf chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
I really liked this story. I liked that they kept in character and it wasn't just about B&C getting together but more about their interaction.
Duchess of Strumpetness chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
Ouch! Poor Kate but I love it! Luckily I've never had to straigten my hair in my life or I'm sure I'd have done the same thing. Ovens are my danger zone.
Beckett NYPD chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
That was cute. Sorry you got burned, but it made a nice story,

And then to add insult to injury when Castle fumbles the coffee.