Reviews for Adventure Time With Altaïr
Carelise682 chapter 53 . 5/6/2016
Great their back together again I really love this story
crazyaboutto chapter 10 . 5/5/2016
Orin's beard... LMFAO
crazyaboutto chapter 3 . 5/5/2016
I've expected a sand quote from one certain Star Wars character. "I don't like sand it's rough, coarse and irritating. It gets everywhere"
I love your pop culture references and Vivian is one of the best OC ever
killthepain62 chapter 53 . 5/3/2016
Once Altair find out what Juno did, I think it's gonna give him a new perspective on the Isu. (As in I want him to kick more ass and take names - Overprotective Altair activate!)
Yaz-Cas chapter 53 . 5/3/2016
Yes I've been waiting for a new update, it's 5am I was just about to go to sleep when I see the update notification. You just made my day and it hasn't even started.

Great chapter, so glad the 3 are finally back together. God the baby, that part really broke my heart, my sister in law had a miscarriage during her first pregnancy it was hard enough she had trouble getting pregnant in the fist place but then to have a miscarriage :( ...but 6 years later and I am happy to say I am an aunt to a 5 year old and a 6 month old, both boys! (:

I don't review often I am more of a silent (ghost) reader, but I just want to take this time to thank you for writing this magnificent story! I just love it! (:
Carelise682 chapter 52 . 4/29/2016
Hey the miscarriage was a really sad thing. Nearly two years ago I had a baby boy he lived for five days after he was born with the help of an emergency cesarean. I'm still grieving. I still don't know why I carried him full term and often wonder if it would have been better for me to have had an abortion. But anyways your a great writer and I can't wait for the next chapter hugs
nirvana-af chapter 9 . 4/19/2016
"If you think this is bad, you should see what women my age wear at night to dance. That would give you five simultaneous heart attacks in a row!" lmao, this book is hilarious!
nirvana-af chapter 6 . 4/19/2016
"You dare to drag me and you'll be singing in alto for months, pal" dying, lmao
Killerbee77 chapter 2 . 3/20/2016
This story is good, I will defiantly keep reading!
Anyway, onward~!
The Forgotten Reader chapter 52 . 3/9/2016
I am so attached to this story that I'm so scared to see it end. I know the ending is coming in the near future of who god knows, but I've been following this story since chapter 30.
I wonder after you finally finish this story is what are you going to do next? I adore your writing so much, and I know real life can be a pain, so I'm also astonished how you keep updating this story. Again, one of my favorite authors, and can't wait to see what's next!
PenAndPoint chapter 52 . 2/21/2016
OMG! This chapter had me in tears! How DARE Juno crush Vivian's child's soul! If I could slap that bitch I would! I am SO proud of Vivian for standing up to that stuck up being. That she held her own and talked back against such a formidable opponent shows true courage.

But this was truly a sad outcome. That Vivian had a miscarriage. Her response to her loss made me feel for much. I hope Malik will be able to help her through her depression. But Vivian is strong. She has shown it throughout this entire impossible journey. So I know, with time, she'll be able to overcome this as well.

My only worry though, is that when they meetup with Altair again, will she and Malik decide to tell Altair about the pregnancy and miscarriage? I'm sure both will have reservations about doing so, because knowing Altair he will get angry. Angry at Vivian for not telling him about the pregnancy beforehand, and angry at himself because he would feel guilty for leaving her in such a situation without him to help support her (even though that technically was not his fault).

But if they don't tell him, and he somehow finds out on his own, his anger may be even more explosive. Let's hope Malik and Vivian make the right choice for this.

And that revelation with Diana! That was amazing! Diana is one of my favorite mythological deities. And it's so interesting how she intervened between Juno and Vivian, especially considering Diana is the goddess of childbirth (which is sort of ironic considering she's very protective of her own virginity). I can't wait to see where you go with this one. I have high hopes for Diana. I feel as though somehow she will help Vivian in many ways. I really like her already. :)

Anyways, thanks again for another wonderful update! I'm so happy to be able to read more of this story! It's one of the few fics I always immediately go to read when another chapter is posted. Please update again soon, because I can never get enough of this!
Justagenericusername chapter 52 . 2/21/2016
OMG. That is so sad, poor Vivian. I understand why that was done but noooo :(
I LOVE little Darim, he is adorable and Altaïr as a dad is both cute and hilarious.
Good luck with schoolwork, can't wait for the next chapter :D
3 chapter 47 . 2/7/2016
Possum and opossum are the same thing. People just say possum more than opossum, I think. (I totally did not google what the difference between possums and opossums are as soon as Vivian asked that out loud).
nguyentrucquynh966 chapter 51 . 1/22/2016
When will the next chapter out? I love it
Nana Ean chapter 51 . 1/13/2016
Oh my God!?
When will u update?
Im sorry for the exclamation, but your uploads are the only recent highlights of my life (i'm a hermit crab). Your work is awesome and has humour so many other assassin's creed fanfic lack. Sooo goood. TT TT *tears of happiness*. I wish i could write down humour that way. TTTT *tears of sorrow*
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