Reviews for NevilleHermione shorts
ASHtheMUSICALgirl13 chapter 62 . 5/28
As a very big Star Wars fan, I freaking love this chapter. And as always I do love this couple together, they are just so sweet.
Guest chapter 62 . 5/21
Wow. That was wonderful.
Guest chapter 61 . 5/10
Guest chapter 61 . 5/10
Guest chapter 60 . 4/9
Oh, that was simply adorable. And yes, just what we need right now. Still love these Nev/Moine tales. Thank you & be safe.
Guest chapter 59 . 4/1
Thank you for still doing these. Always a pleasure to read.
Guest chapter 58 . 2/14
That was just beautiful & magical. Thank you so much.
MyWitch chapter 57 . 12/23/2019
Aww this is lovely! I love this pair and I so enjoyed reading your story. I'm so flattered the drawing inspired you! Thank you so much!
Guest chapter 57 . 12/19/2019
Cute & sexy. Well done.
Guest chapter 56 . 12/7/2019
That was really cute. The realization was very natural. This series is lovely.
Guest chapter 55 . 11/9/2019
That was very the wine. I'm so glad you're continuing these. Mione & Nev are adorable.
Sakura Lisel chapter 52 . 3/27/2019
How about a chapter that shows a Ron (whos in love with Hermione) reaction when he finally learns about the Hermione/Neville romance? Good and accepting reaction, or typical angry Ron who blows up and gets everybody else mad at him? *lol*
Sakura Lisel chapter 24 . 3/27/2019
Rons an idiot, if he doesn't realize what Hermione standing under MISTLETOE while looking at HIM is implying. *lol*
Sakura Lisel chapter 9 . 3/27/2019
Um... why did she need an 'excuse' to turn Cormac down? Unless the dance is MANDATORY and she, and all the other students, HAD to go for some reason, why didn't she simply tell the git she wasn't interested in going to the dance with HIM or ANYONE else, or that she had other plans that night that DIDN'T involve the dance at all? *lol* plans like some well known late night studying that shes famous for, staying in her dorm room all night catching up on sleep, or just about anything else that could have prevented her from going to the dance with Cormac, without having to beg other boys to ask her instead before he could? She wasn't obligated to say yes to Cormac if he had asked.
Guest chapter 51 . 3/15/2019
That was beautiful & very funny.
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