Reviews for Starlight, StarBright what will I see tonight?
Platinum Blondie chapter 31 . 2/22
A really good story, it kept me reading all morning as it really caught my imagination.
Pheonix1995 chapter 31 . 2/3/2013
Great Chapter! Loved it! :) Not seen the third in this series - so was wondering if you weer going to write it? I loved to read it if you were, but no worries if you decided not to :)
fdu6363 chapter 32 . 12/4/2012
Thanks a lot from France , wonderful!
kikki hope chapter 8 . 1/4/2012
I think your really pushing the T rating boundaries.

Keep writing.

Thanks for sharing.
kikki hope chapter 3 . 1/3/2012
The actor who played Goodmayes was an ass! That's why they cut him so easy, and never mentioned him ever again.

Keep writing.
mendenbar chapter 31 . 1/30/2011
Here I am, finally caught up with everything I can find that you have posted on FFN. You are a fine author. You tell a story that intrigues the reader, you are faithful to the characterization/voice of the characters on both shows. You have a nice balance between narrative and dialogue with just enough setting/theme/evocative situation to make the story "visually" interesting to an old artist like me. Thanks for several hours of entertainment and I really do look forward to reading more from you.

mendenbar chapter 29 . 1/30/2011
27,28 & 29 were poetry in motion and Booth didn't have to shoot/kill anyone. A successful date all around.
mendenbar chapter 27 . 1/30/2011
As always,your writing delights me. You refer to "sexual queues." Do you really mean "sex lines" as in "waiting in lines" or perhaps pick up lines? Or do you really mean "sexual cues" as in signs, hints, etc.? Your Castle/Bones xovers are wonders to read. (This is a compliment, not a dig.)
mendenbar chapter 22 . 1/30/2011
Do you mean milligrams or milliliters? Is the acid a liquid or solid (perhaps a powder?)

Your Parker is a dream. I have 3 great kids (and whizkids one and all) but none of them are as perfectly perfect as Parker. He must be hell on wheels at Rebecca's to be that perfect with Booth.
sportsnerd8482 chapter 32 . 12/27/2010
Another great story... no suprise. I realize through your works that you are more a Bones girl and believe me I have no problem with that I love them. However, I think you have a knack for Castle. Maybe you should try more crossovers with I completely agree with the Gibbs and Booth on the same side... that would be something to remember.
Stanatic chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
This is seriously one of my favorite stories out there! I feel like it truly captures the essence of the two shows. Its like am really there with bones and booth and castle and Beckett. When ever booth sys something sweet I grow week at the knees because I can hear his voice talking to Tempe and the idea (especially with where the story has gone) that he can be this in love with her is mesmerizing. Now castle is #1 in my book and I would love to read more scenes with them but this is great! I feel like I am there being Becketts little side kick mentally whooping castle's mind into shape. Its fun to kinda look over her shoulder and judge their hilarious relationship...

BRAVA this is a hell of a story and I would love to continue to read this incredible series because in the end we all want to feel like we live in there murder and love filled world.
BrittJK chapter 32 . 10/19/2010
Again, to thank you for the amazing story. I cannot wait for winter when you write again! Trust me - I understand school stresses! Take your time, I want it to be as amazing as this one/the last one was. :D I will definately read your Bones stories when I need another break from school work, I just cannot get distracted like I did with this one (i.e. 2 days of reading instead of studying for midterms). Eh... It was worth it! Keep up the writing, you really do have a talent for capturing the characters!
neznama1262 chapter 31 . 8/22/2010
I loved that story, it was awesome. You could continue with Alexis is in DC for summer internship program, for example.
Tsturms96 chapter 31 . 7/28/2010
Great ending to this story! Can't wait until the next one!
ClassicalBones chapter 31 . 7/27/2010
Hey there

Just wanted to say that i really enjoyed both your stories and i appreciate you finishing them. I'll be looking forward to the next one too.
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