Reviews for Manada
KiaraWangWilliams chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
...I'm a Canadian and I think that was..just sick. But it was well written though,..gotta give you compliment there.
Common Spring chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
dude...fucked up. but hey, it's hetalia right? heh. did make me kinda squik though. although THAT's my own fault as you gave me fair warning...

(reads other reviews: shrugs) some people just can't take a joke
KitakLaw chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
I'm sure you've gotten a lot of comments about the sealing aspect of this, so I won't add to that here. The only thing I DO wonder, though, is how that would constitute a "manly" Canada - a person does not need to be aggressive to be manly, and because of that, I think Matthew's rather OOC here.

However, I can't fault you on the writing style or anything - from that perspective, this story is well-written and it draws the reader in and holds their attention well before things start getting controversial.
A Beautiful Oblivion chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Since everyone, save a few people, has said something bad about this, I'll compliment you :)

I'm Canadian, and well aware that seal clubbing DOES happen, some people even consider it a sport. You wrote it beautifully, and I know Mattie would never do that, so I'm not going to shoot you down for making this.

I don't know why people are freaking out so much, anyway. Just a story, people. Calm your shit.
winterdarknessXD chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
who ever u are, i noe u are not canadian . GET UR FACTS STRAIGHT! U BLUNDERING WEIRDO! ur joke is not funny, or ur story isnt funny either. its horrible, disgusting, and rude, for repersenting us canadains! KILLING THEM AS A CLIMAX IN UR STORY? u have problems in ur head, go to the hostpital. this has been my first time I'm getting mad at a story, dude get a life, this is lame. literly. im canadain and it really does offend ppl, have some manners. or atleast some logic in that mess up brian of urs .. ughh rlly

p.s, the russian joke was okay, BUT DONT get over urself and think killing poor seals REPERSENT us canadains. EVER.

Midnightxwolfx chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
Oh, you're American. I figured as much.

You're writing style isn't bad. I can't say the same for the plot. I'm Canadian and not extremely offended. But if you intended this to be a funny joke then I'm confidant you could have come up with something that was actually funny. This isn't a 'haha' joke, it's just Mattie beating a seal to death.

Actually in my opinion, beating an animal isn't the manliest thing in the planet (far from it, I just think it's gross). I think that if Canada were to kill an animal, it would be done like the Natives and he'd use every part of the body. Maybe you could've done a fic of Mattie beating something else to death, but in hockey. Like Russia or Norway.
death by storm chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
Excuse me? Well someone has clearly been brainwashed by animal rights groups. As a Canadian I am insulted by this poorly researched story. How DARE you imply that people beat seals to death for fun. That's just sick.

Seal hunting is a respected industry in Canada. Learn all the facts before posting something like this. Hockey is where our pent up aggression goes. Why do you think that we invented it? You should feel ashamed for posting this.
Yoru Hana1 chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
*frowns* This is really rude. I'm going to pass on something I read a while ago in this fandom. You can't forget you're not just writing about the characters, you're writing about someone's country. You have to be respectful. Please remember that.
abracat chapter 1 . 5/22/2010


Xydan chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
I'm not sure whether to take this as a joke, or to look at this as an insult to our country. This isn't story that is rounded out with a lesson, etc. or even tells the truth. SURE, there MIGHT be some people like this, but making canadians seem like such bastards is digusting. It makes me feel like writing a story about every other country in the world and showing their faults too. 1. Research all the facts, and not half a page. 2. Think for yourself. Do you think such an industrialized country will do this? 3. Ask yourself, are you actually telling the world something they should know, and that you truly believe in, or is this just an insult meant to piss others off.

I can't say this story was very well one of the best.
Ina-chan chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
Man... writing style aside... this fic was just mean-spirited and obviously ignorant of Canadian sentiments about our sealing industry. I can't help but feel insulted.

I support the seal industry, but we don't go about clubbing seals to let go of our pent up aggression. Even the method of how the seals were killed is biased towards the lies publicized by powerful and wealthy animal rights groups. Its because we consider seals as an important resource that we have strict guidelines to protect them. Even though this is fiction, its still very hurtful. Especially to our Inuit in the north who depend on the sealing industry not just for their tiny economy in the Arctic, but for survival as well (as seals are one of their main sources of food).

The thought that the human representation of Canada would disrespect something that our culture values and protects is a bit sickening.

Besides, the reason why we play a lot of hockey and invented other extreme winter sports (such as racing cars over frozen lakes) is where we direct our pent up aggression. Copious amounts of beer and alcohol over the weekend (and sometimes a joint or two) helps keep us mellow. _
ephemeral.DELUSiON chapter 1 . 5/19/2010



I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's written about Canada and his lovely seals. ;A;

This is so lovely. xD;3
