Reviews for Wibbly Wobbly
kazster chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
or both ways are plausible.
enchantment1972 chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
This is so great! I have only found one other story on another site that has Leela and Andred and has them happy. Why is writing that so difficult?

I love how the Doctor was able to visit with them again by a chance occurence because he never would have sought them out actively. I'm guessing the velvet frock coat belonged to Eight? LOL!

The twist at the end where you view the story in two different texts is AWESOME! I LOVE twist ending or hidden meanings that can give alternate views or deeper meanings to the story. Very cool and very in character for all around. :)
timano chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
Hmmm. When I read it the first time, I read it as the youngest TIME LORD having survived, meaning the Doctor himself-then I realized there were many Time Lords younger than he is (Romana, for one). But it could be read many ways. An intriguing story; 10 out of 10 stars.
Rassilon001 chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Sad as well, of course, but it was nice to see our favorite savage Leela again, and to see she now has a happy family life. For as long as it lasts, at least. Somehow I knew she'd be taking part in the Time War and was likely dead, but to hear it confirmed here makes it seem more real to me.

I see Andred and Nine recognized one another as well, but kept up the pretense. Poor Rose must have been totally confused. I wonder how Leela would've reacted if she'd ever been a witness to regeneration herself. Magic, right? Heh.