Reviews for An Unexpected Song
Milli chapter 3 . 1/8/2017
This was sweet :)
BooksAreMedicine chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
Very good development to have them argue and talk about the hard stuff instead of just falling into each other's arms
BooksAreMedicine chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
Wow, I do like how Giles has made an effort to see how hard Angel tries and that Joyce is supportive.
chahiro in love 101 chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
Done and Gone chapter 3 . 10/9/2010
Awww! This was so sweet! Please check out some of my stories!
Smittenwhenbitten chapter 3 . 10/5/2010
Labyrinth01 chapter 3 . 9/1/2010
Thanks for a great story! Please write more M rated ones-I can't get enough BA smut.
Anonymous chapter 3 . 8/22/2010
Oh! that story was increible, it was just perfect. i really wish that had actually happened, because it was so beautiful! The way you wrote it was flawless and i am so glad that they could finally be with each other in the end.

Thank you so much for writing that story, i loved it :)
Tash chapter 3 . 7/12/2010
asdfjkl; -headexplodes-. That. Was so. AWESOME! Admitedly some parts didn't make sense cause I'm only halfay through season 3 of Buffy, but still briliant! :D
Lfaba chapter 3 . 7/2/2010
Whoa, dude...innocent middle schooler here! Put a citrus warning! Yeah, I know the thing was rated M, but most of it was fine, so I kind of let my guard down around the middle of chapter two.

That wasn't a flame, sorry. Just a suggestion. Anywhos...except for the lemon in the third chappy (which I just don't read personally and therefore skipped, but I'm sure was well written like the rest of it), I loved every word. You're such a great paint a portrait of the scene so well. This is a good "Angel and Buffy can be happy now!" type of fic, which seemed more realistic then them just jumping at each other the minute the news was delivered, like a lot of stories do. Good old Riley bashing in the first story...always cheers me up. Everyone, especially the catious interaction between Angel and Giles, seemed very in character. I hope you take a break from Twilight to write some more BA (don't take offense from my icon, please. It's just a matter of personal taste.) You just get the pairing so well.
Anonymous chapter 3 . 6/4/2010
I LOVE THIS STORY SO SO SO MUCH! This is seriously one of the best stories that i have ever read, and i wish that this actually happened in the series. I also read 'The Power of Love' and i adored that as well, especially the parts about Angel being so much better then Riley!

You are an incredible writer, your description and language is flawless.

Thank you! :)
BAsupporter chapter 3 . 5/25/2010
awesome great way of avoiding giving her really short hair too hope you do a sequel though I'd like to know how they do with the long distance thing
ashes at midnight chapter 3 . 5/24/2010
woah. That ending was smoking hot! I like it! lol. I was just wondering what rating you gave it and good, it's an M. lol! I always have to be careful about how much smut i write for wether the fic is T or M lol! great job on that. This whole chapter was really sweet, could totally understand Buffy's fustration at the nurses lol, and Joyce and Giles are real understanding!

Thanks so much for posting this it was great. Can't wait for anything else of yours lol. It's good your going through your old stories and not just posting them as is, that's great! I know i read some of my old stuff and i just cringe!

About the formatting codes, on the document manager they have a list of codes at the bottom. Perhaps your file is something different then the ones fanfic allows and that's why the codes are showing up? idk...anyways, great story! :)
agrove chapter 3 . 5/24/2010
Great ending to a great fic. Can't wait for whats next!
CaptScarlett chapter 3 . 5/24/2010
Thanks for another great story. Sap that I am, I just love a good B/A HEA. :)

Look forward to seeing what else you've got for us.
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