Reviews for Addictive
JLCH chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
One of the best short stories describing their relationship that I've ever read! Great job!
A Mad Girl without a Box chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
That was amazing! I loved the use of perspective, as if someone was looking in on the relationship, it's very hard to pull off (trust me, I've tried!) and you handled it brilliantly. I also liked the way you turned the addiction onto Cuddy, it was very interesting.

I really enjoyed your fic, and I hope you write more Huddy fics in the future.

P.S "Good," she answers because she is part Jedi and can read your mind. BEST LINE EVER!
iDefyGravity chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Nice. I liked it.
Temo chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Brilliant. Poor doomed souls...they'll never truly recover.
Missing Linka chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
That's really fitting!

I just watched the last few minutes of the episode over and over again. ;-) Therefore, I know how great an addiction can be! ;-)


God bless you!

raffinit chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
GOD I love you. In my caffeine haze, this is the best crack anyone would want.

You need to have more of this, I'm serious. I would be an avid, avid follower. I would sign up for HuddyAddicts Anonymous.

"Hi, I'm Elle, and I'm an addict. HELLS YEAH,"