Reviews for Delirium
DragonCastle chapter 41 . 9/17/2016
Aww I loved this so much. I was hoping for more on Akihito (and I was really hoping he fell in love with someone in his Genin team just like his father huehuehue)

Absolutely loved the dynamic between everyone in this fic! Also, that tidbit on why Gai issues so many ridiculous challenges is great too!
Indiegirl97 chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
This writing style reminded me a lot of If on a winter's night a traveller. Really interesting first chapter.
moderatelyexcessive chapter 41 . 7/28/2014
This has been, by far, the best kakasaku family I've ever read. Your portrayal of each character felt as though they were each tangible people through every quirk and thought pattern and situation you put them into. I would have loved a more serious chapter with the entire Hatake family working together to fight something powerful. But that's probably me just wanting all the angst (haha). In the beginning, the use of the second tense really threw me off but you make it work very well! So well that after a couple chapters I didn't mind it at all and it allows a surprising amount of empathy and understanding that I rarely feel so well done in fics. I really love your work and look forward to following you as an author. Thank you for all your hard work and creativity. :)

[Sorry if my review is a lil all over the place and blegh. It's been a long night. :P]
The You of Yesterday chapter 41 . 10/5/2011
Beautiful chapter!

To be honest, I got a bit lost part way through this story, although I was enjoying it, and then I forgot about it, and just picked it up again today to find I'd read all but the last chapter! I love your portrayal of Kakashi in this (and in all your stories) as heartbreakingly sweet and gentle,though endearingly awkward. I find it hard to picture him in a relationship with anyone, but if I could picture it, I'm sure he would be like this!

Fab stuff!
bones-angel chapter 10 . 1/23/2011

but i love the other chapters so far. just this is a little freakish for me. O_O
nickule chapter 41 . 12/21/2010
Great chap I loved it! And I think I can make it to the summer till the next chaps lol but I will miss your writing! Anyway I must go now got to clean my house up real good since I got behind on house work cause been so busy I don't know what's up or down lol so have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! Love ya! Nickule out peace!
Prescripto13 chapter 41 . 12/21/2010
What a fantastic romance between these two! Good work, Nmmi.
Clearheart chapter 41 . 12/20/2010
This was a wonderful update. My favorite part was how Sakura broke down the facts on why it had to be Kakashi, and no other guy. He remains supportive and sympathetic to her needs, but doesn't let Sakura get away with her explosive tempers. I thought the whole element of seeing his face, and the ending kiss was incredibly heartwarming. Then that last line "You just might love the man" really captures their relationship perfectly for this story. Great chapter! This was an enjoyable read.
Lyeundu chapter 40 . 11/30/2010
Sorry for taking so long to review, got busy with homework, but I'm caught up now!

As always I love the dynamic you've got going between Kakashi and Sakura. Sasuke's fate and particularly Kakashi's attitude toward him seemed a little harsh to me, but that's probably because I'm such a bleeding heart and one of those few fans who doesn't completely hate the idiot and want to see him dead. I'd much rather stick him in an institution and analyze his pathology, but that's just me. _

Good chapter!
nickule chapter 40 . 11/27/2010
Wohoo! Caught up! And great chap and loved the other chaps also! The chaos about sakuras dad and kakashi are great! And I really hope school is don't kick your but to bad! And I truelly missed your writng and glad I finally got the time to catch up! Well I guess I'm going to go now want to get outside the hospital to smoke before they close the front doors lol well I guess till month are ya! Nickule out peace!
nickule chapter 32 . 11/27/2010
Wow loved this chap! It was awsome death by book hell yeah! And I'm going to catch up with your story tonight so I prob won't reply on every chap cause than your email will be slam full! Lol anyway got some time on my hands to finally catch up I'm staying in the hospital with my dad so you will save me from boredom lol anyway till the chap forty see ya which will be about an hour or so lol nickule out peace!
nickule chapter 30 . 11/23/2010
im back! im going through my email and reading everything so...yeah im been so busy but im getting back into catching up with your story! im still loving your writing! and ill review on all the ones i have missed promise ill prob read and review another chap tomorrow! till than see ya! nickule out peace!
Prescripto13 chapter 40 . 11/15/2010
" . . . the stowaway." XD

That was a gem, and the Konoha version of "Law & Order" was pretty spiffy too! Good work, Nmmi.
Prescripto13 chapter 39 . 11/4/2010
Nicely done, Nmmi!
Clearheart chapter 38 . 10/17/2010
Ah. That detail of Kakashi dropping the 176th stitch every time is SO wonderful. Great work on this one, nmmi-nut!
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