Reviews for Dear Dad
Now-happy reader chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
Absolutely beautiful story. I love how you added a kid.
ChickenwingsNePi chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
That's so darn cute w
i love your story 3
SugarTea chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
Lol, parents are always looking out for you, even when it just seems like they’re trying to sabotage your very existence. (Sounds familiar… xD) Anyway, this was all in all very cute, and the romance between Jack and Alice is too adorable for words! - Good luck in the competition!
SweetieLove chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
Bravo! The intensity of the emotion was overwhelming and the way you put in the characters were brilliant!

Good luck in the contest!
JB Fighter chapter 1 . 5/29/2010
That was pretty damn good for being a K rated story. Usually I wouldn't read anything like that cuz its too...innocent, but I actually really liked it. All of my stuff is just way too hard core. lolz. JK. You're a really great writer.
high improbability chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
This was wonderful! It shows that even if fathers act like they don't support you in what you're doing, they still love you deep down. :)

And I do like the idea of Vaughn being Alice's kid. O_O

But I noticed a typo: Winter 1, 2010: Gold: 10,000. Isn't it supposed to be 100,000, or am I just stupid and missing something? _"

Eh, I'll stop now. Good luck in the contest~!
MarianFontz chapter 1 . 5/27/2010
Hello, I'm here again. :D

Ahhh, I love your oneshots! Starting from Alice's Lament! They're the first stories I've read about Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Village.

Um, there's a typo actually. In Winter 30, 2010,the current Gold is 10,000. Isn't it suppose to be 100,000? Or am I just mistaken? Do correct me if I'm wrong.

But other than that, it's fantastic especially the latter part. Honestly, this made me think about my parents.

Oh well, good luck with the contest though. :D