Reviews for pixels
We Stole Vodka From The Optic chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
I absolutely, irrevocably, LOVE this. Not only is it totally and completely beautiful, but the prose is so... gorgeous. Morooka's character is very well-done here, and I really enjoyed the nod at him being a philosophy teacher. (I-see-what-you-did-there.) I can't exactly pass judgment on Kubo's character, seeing as he only had, oh I dunno, maybe 10 lines in the whole game, but the nod at 'pixels' was very... intricate. (Another moment of I-see-what-you-did-there)

I especially love the little tidbits of metaphors and similes you threw in here. 'Mock eulogy, unrequited lover turned cherished child, and all that jazz'.

Morooka's death was also, suitably gory.

My one piece of criticism?

"People have to listen to you, **weather** they want to or not. While people like us, we're ignored by everyone, even people we love."

Weather should be whether. :)
Keks der Dunkelheit chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
Hello. (I do hope I'm not too annoying. :( )

After clawing through heaps of out-of-charakter cuteness other people thought artistic, it does feel good, reading something... beautiful. It needs more thinking and reflecting, but sometimes, it's worth it.

Now, finally the review:

Your writing style is so nice. The ideas behind your stories are interesting, and I like what you do to reality, twisting it, breaking it apart.

What is a little confuzing, thought, is that you come up with great ideas and scenes, but describe them in standard phrases, like the crystals in this fiction... The digits on the other hand sound great.

Thank you for such a nice read, I'll shut up now. :)