Reviews for Three Minutes to Save the World
ngregory763 chapter 7 . 8/6/2018
What a beautiful insert into cannon! This is so perfectly and exactly what Sam needed to find that strength. I feel like I found a pearl having read this.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/13/2016
Wow. Loved this. Amazing ending XD
lillelouis chapter 7 . 8/22/2012
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 6 . 7/12/2011
""Sometimes, ya know, women they have these eyes and they like stare through you, and…it's worse than the whole demonic paralysis thing, you know?""

EEEEEEEEEEEE! It's like - you didn't TELL us, you didn't let usn in on the secret, and we thought he left her back at the diner, and now seeing Dean all embarrassed and grumpy, it's a DELIGHT!

"Sam's heart catapulted to frantic speeds, but it wasn't panic or fear or grief as he took in her older, but still beautiful face. It felt something akin to happiness and excitement and joy. Sam's life had changed, it had spiraled out of control and he'd been dragged down with it, and he felt like he'd been branded with his sins, that she could see everything he'd become, and all that he wasn't. But Elliyah Gray never recoiled in terror. She was laughing, tears pouring down her cheeks. That sound was achingly familiar and somehow awakened that eighteen-year-old dreamer with a hunger for life. It tapped into the Sam Winchester that had aced tests, made friends, and fell in love. In a blur of movement, Elliyah was in his arms, squeezing her tiny frame until he swore he felt her back crack."

What am I gonna DO with you? Just when you take us to impossible, black depths, the blackest, you bring us back smiling with a denouement so perfect it's like the universe planned for this moment - and you actually bring back the wonderfulness of the past and make us believe it!
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 4 . 7/12/2011

"This pain would never go away; it would just change and move, fade a bit then swell. It was Sam who had adjust to it, like a scar on the heart."

That is an image that will stay with me forever.

sher63 chapter 7 . 3/8/2011
This story was so beautiful and it made me cry,Thank you.
SammysTeam chapter 7 . 1/23/2011
GOOD GOD, WOMAN! I've been reading through your list cuz you're freakishly talented, but this one..I just had to stop and comment on this one in particular, cuz it gave me goosebumps with how well it was written. Especially the realistic and heartbreaking...I love you...and I know it's too soon and forward, but..will you marry me? XD
Cainchan chapter 3 . 11/29/2010
great really :-)
mememeems chapter 7 . 11/14/2010
This was a great story. one of the few stories where i actually tear up. the emotions, the flash backs were awesome and the conclusion, i can totally see that happening :)

thanks for the great read!
Chloe Amethyst chapter 7 . 11/13/2010
I really enjoyed this story and found it very compelling. I think you have expressed better than anyone, including the show's writers, just how painful it must have been for Sam to learn that his whole life was manipulated by demons, and the love of his life became his just so demons could destroy her and fill Sam with revenge and bottomless anger, all for Lucifer's sake. I don't think the show did this topic justice. It deserved more attention than it got. I especially loved the scene when Sam was trying to fix the sink trap and desperately missed Dean's reassuring and gruff but loving presence. The flashbacks with Sam, Jess, and Elliyah were great. I liked the ending, too. Even if it can't last more than a brief few hours, I'm glad Sam had those hours of happiness.
Shannanigans chapter 7 . 10/18/2010
That was great! I really felt the pain of Sam's withdrawal/turmoil. I also happen to love drunk Sammy and your sad, blitzed Sam made me smile. Well done!
bohumut chapter 7 . 10/17/2010
I'm sorry, I actually really really liked this fic...but that has to have been the stupidest, most unrealistic, most jump the shark ending I have ever seen done by a decent author. Again sorry, but I guess from now on when I read this story, I will be pretending that it ended at chapter 6. Loved everything before chapter 7. Keep up on writing, your good at it. :)
samgirl19 chapter 7 . 10/17/2010
awwwww sam got married he kinds deserved it
angeleyenc chapter 7 . 10/17/2010
I loved it! aww! sammy! that's my boy!
WinchesterPrincess chapter 7 . 10/17/2010
What a beautiful ending! Such a contrast to the beginning and tortured, lonely Sam. Maybe if he had a wife to come back to after Hell he wouldn't be so cold.

I'll have to go back and reread the whole thing, it has been awhile. But I do know I really enjoyed it!
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