Reviews for Me in KP
Mikkiz chapter 6 . 8/19/2010
haha loool .

you soo need to countine this!

it's fu-*gets a book thrown at me* awesome

i mean.. it's awesome
nightmaster000 chapter 6 . 7/18/2010
okay chapter people so Andrea has teleporting power's interesting will she put it to the test against Kim and the world soon also is she ever going to go back home for good or decide to stay in the Kim Possible world for good personaly i'm hopeing she stay's in Kim's world keep up the good work and update soon please
nightmaster000 chapter 5 . 7/1/2010
Very interesting this story has potential looking forward to seeing to where it goes just a few question's will Andrea put her knowledge of future event's to use like the so the drama movie for example just wondering about that also while this story is good i hope you don't put to much angst or hurt/comfort like in your Joy and Ace story's i hope for a happier ending than what happend to Joy and Ace don't get me wrong those where good stories and i enjoyed them im just hopeing for a happier story this time and love your choice of using Duff killigan he didn't get enough air time in the show hopefully your change that in your story anyway keep the good work and update soon and try not to make Andrea into a mary sue please
CajunBear73 chapter 2 . 6/3/2010
Sounds like the start of a beautiful partnership...