Reviews for Hermione's Guide to Newfound Sorcery
Monster King chapter 20 . 22h
Great job
DmitriyDv chapter 10 . 3/12
The ending is so obvious) the stupid fool was begged, persuaded, shown a photo... But no! As a result, Granger, for all her pride, became the devourer's whore on duty.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/2/2019
Hermione was a cunt in this. A superficial cocksucker. Hey bitch, does it flick your switch adding unnecessary drama and stupidity because you believe "boys are stoopid". Go kill yourself, Your mother was a two-cent local fuckhole. Bet the cunt regrets not aborting you. You were a mistake.
AnonymouslyKnown chapter 20 . 6/9/2019
I have come to find myself reading through all of your stories. And I must say I love the Harry Hermione plots in very different scenarios. Really brilliant writing
tyrannicpuppy chapter 20 . 1/24/2019
Heck of a rollercoaster this one. You like the last minute heartbreak don't you. Glad it ended how it did though.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 16 . 1/24/2019
Really wish the Order would ditch the kid gloves more often. A diffindo to the neck puts someone out of a fight much better than a stunner. And would really improve Malfoy's looks.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 14 . 1/24/2019
One of the best learning to fly scenes I've seen. She was as responsible for not telling him her fear as he was for letting the feeling take over once flying. But it was such a sweet scene. I'm terrified of what horrific thing Draco is going to be responsible for as they head back because we are fast approaching the end, and it has to go bad before then.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 5 . 1/23/2019
Haha, the dragon stuff was hilarious. It's so odd seeing a Muggle confused Harry. I was waiting for him to whirl through the kitchen like in every other fic under the sun. A nice change. And he has already identified the enemy. So now Kat can go flirt and chase Draco and he can keep his grubby little mitts off of Harry's Hermione. Wishful thinking, isn't it?
tyrannicpuppy chapter 4 . 1/23/2019
This chapter was totally more my speed. I love it when Hermione is obstinate. As long as it stays light I can enjoy watching that dance for chapter after chapter. It's when people force their way between the two that my heart complains at me for tormenting it. Here's hoping there is very little of the latter.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 3 . 1/23/2019
It opened strong, Hermione's gut feeling was great, yet the descriptions felt very American. It sort of threw me a bit as I read through.

Then my heart sank as soon as you gave the gits name. I should have figured he was the one the Dark sent, but my god I hate that pretentious jack ass. I'll never understand why people like him, beyond the superficial of looks of Tom.

I was starting to get real dark on the story (which given I'd just finished a super peppy and fluffy one shot before starting this chapter was interesting at the least) and then you bring him in, and immediately my mood improved (seriously I think I need to see someone about my emotional dependence of Hermione being with Harry, it's unhealthy).

The rest of the chapter I was grinning again, happy as I read through the remainder and I laughed at the final two lines. I thought it was an exaggeration in the description, but Harry delivered the line perfectly.

So now I'm torn at my thoughts of the story. I wasn't worried at Harry been a bit of a scamp as I figured it would vanish once Hermione caught his eye, but Drake has me wavering. I can not understand the appeal of him to Harmony shippers. The group on facebook I'm in has so many Dramionarry stories recommended I wonder if it's actually Harmony anymore.

However, this is extremely well written and I adored In Too Deep, so I'm not giving up on it yet. I just pray you go easy on my soul and don't toy with Hermione with those two jocking for position.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 2 . 1/22/2019
Interesting turn. Not where I was expecting things to go. Very intriguing story so far.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
Damn, what a way to open the story. I'm fascinated already. Must go read more now.
cshen.julienne chapter 20 . 7/28/2018
I love it :) It's a good story. Though I still want to smack Kat. She really shouldn't go kissing him even for luck if she already knows her best friend likes him -.- That's just a definite path for trouble.

Thanks for writing!
NatashaJaniphil chapter 20 . 6/30/2018
Incredible! Loved the story.
Fadingspirit chapter 5 . 2/23/2018
I knew it! Ha! I knew Drake was actually Draco!
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