Reviews for Rest Easy
MissBunBun09 chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
Another great story from a great author!

surxi25 chapter 1 . 6/11/2010
Beautiful, sad, and well written. Your descriptions are really amazing, and the characters are perfectly portrayed.

What more can I say? Only that you keep writing great one-shots :)
Dark Maiden95 chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
This is such a depressing scene (I think) and you captured it so well! I could almost feel myself start tearing up!

Poor Ven and Aqua! T_T

Another super job! ;D
Temari-Desert-Storm chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
Beautiful and sweet. It really captures the essence of things. Your usual dramatic flair and detailed descriptions are, as usual, perfect for this kind of scene. Nice!
Gunbladez19 chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
sniffs so sad but so good cant wait for the game in english 0
UnVeRsEd chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
You can't imagine my delight when i get online and find not one, but TWO lovely oneshots in my inbox.

I read Fight the Shadows before this, and now i can't decide which one's the best out of all of these. D: you put so much emotion and detail into the piece that it's just... awesome. you get more insight into the scene reading these oneshots than by watching the cutscene XD

Keep 'em coming, Wolfe!

Flightfoot chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
You mentioned that Aqua was scolded for picking up Eraqus's keyblade. Are you going to write about that?
CrimsonDarkness 0013 chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
Wha's with this epic-FF-mania? You're driving me into furhter insanity of the epicness of your depiction of each and every one of the scenes! XD So GOOD! K-U-D-O-S!
aestheticisms chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
Aww! This was so cute and angsty! :D I love it! You did a wonderful job, Divine!

NinjaSheik chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
WishingDreamer5 chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
Wow, you sure are fast! I hadn't expected to read this today. Aaww, it really is heartbreaking. It almost makes me cry, Aqua being the big sister and all. And the part where Ven smiled a little... It's all so sad!

And the way you write this down, it's almost as if it's happening in front of my own eyes. I loved it!

You sure have potential! Definitely a favorite.