Reviews for Hypothermia
CryMeOut chapter 20 . 4/16/2019
I've followed this story for a long time but reread this all the way from the beginning in less than 24 hours! I'd forgotten how much I loved this story. The characterisation is brilliant and the story is so gripping. It would be brilliant as a film. I'd love to see this finished - I have to know what happens to Kai! I know it's been a while but I really hope you continue this.
Guest chapter 20 . 11/30/2018
Where the hell Kai is? I want to know. Please update
Kai chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
Damn where is the next chapter ?
Devi chapter 20 . 7/15/2017
Please post the next chapter.
efcrgc chapter 20 . 4/10/2017
I hope the next is some day coming... Oh man this is good. Where is Kai? etc. I want to know!
akaifanahtsa chapter 20 . 3/27/2017
This was amazing and really thrilling. I felt as if every moment happened in front of my eyes. Please update the next chapter soon I am most awaited to know what happens to kai and how can you let Kenny die. And another thing I loved your writing style and the way you elaborated each moment. Love you
Kai chapter 20 . 12/14/2016
What happened to Kai? I want to know! :D
Animefan1900 chapter 20 . 8/29/2016
Are you going to update any time soon? I want to know what happened to Kai. Is he tied up somewhere pr something? This is so interesting and awesome!
ImaginationsUnleashed chapter 20 . 4/3/2016
This story is interesting. Are you continuing it?
I really want you to do it
Kai-kun chapter 20 . 1/22/2016
Is this going to continue? This and you are AWESOME! I want to read more
Soumita chapter 20 . 9/26/2015
This was a great plot by I never can imagine the bladebreakers parting apart forever and that too for good.
The way you said its been 5 years since they've conversed through phone literally made me gape wide. Bey blade original series may have ended but we can never imagine them to be over.
Hibisha chapter 20 . 11/18/2014
That was beautiful...don't tell me u plan on abandoning this?
YuriyTalaIvanov chapter 20 . 5/25/2014
Ohmygod this story is just awesome beyond words.

Even though I want everything to end happily ever after, I like the realism and seriousness that happens. It's so sad that they're all so tortured like this and dammit why is voltaire allowed free just bc he's a good businessman.

Anyway, I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to leave a review that expresses how much I love this right now, so I'm just going to bite my nails and wait for an update
Seylin chapter 20 . 2/10/2014
I'm still seriously worried about Kai... and now Ray.
mahwish1 chapter 19 . 12/21/2013
Ahh, I'm so happy to know that you updated. :D

I simply LOVED THIS. I loved the scenes between Max and Tala. They were really well written. I enjoyed the interrogation scenes a lot – I could easily see it before me. I really don’t know what to say, I just loved this chapter.

I’m so excited to found out what will happen to Mr. Dickenson. I hope Voltaire won’t get to him. I just hope they’ll be able to find Kai in time.

Also the last scene with Katya, is really exciting.

Please, just like always, you need to update soon. I seriously cannot wait to read more.
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