Reviews for Bubbles of Red
Moonlight M3lody chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
Sweet story. Varied from funny to dead serious. I want to know the reason Norma is so mad,though.
RaeValens chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Wow. I seriously enjoyed this. Er... Alright, I know that doesn't sound very enthusiastic, but that's probably because I'm trying to get over the COMPLETELY OPEN ending that you left it at. In other words: I want more!

There's a lot that I really like about this story. First and foremost, it's a Legendia fic, and anyone who's looked at the list of Legendia stuff recently knows that new updates, let alone actual additions, are rare. Second, I like the fact that this story is about the Norma/Moses pairing, which is sorely in need of more attention.

Getting to the story itself, I'll start with the constructive crticism. Which, now that I think about it, isn't exactly criticism. Anyway. Seeing Norma, or either of them for that matter, acting so seriously is kind of weird. But if anyone were to look at their entire lives, its inevitable that they WOULD see that. So really, I think you did a really good job with that. Also, and I don't know if this was your intent or not, but you really do an excellent job of portraying a sense of insecurity in Norma, which really fits with the game itself if you think about it. I don't know, maybe I'm over-analyzing things. The English Nerd within me has a tendency to do that.

On a more general note, you keep everyone very much in character. It may be a small thing, but I really like that you keep Moses' Southern accent in the dialogue.

I do have one question, though: Were all of the seperate stories told roughly in chronological order? I get that there's the one scene with Norma at the fountain and at the camp being broken down and told in segments, but are those segments in order? I kinda get the feeling that the scene where Moses screwed up and Norma tells him not to call her Bubbles takes place after the whole "Csaba wants to marry you" ordeal.

Well, I think that's enough of my long-windedness. So again, great story! I hope for and look forward to more!
