Reviews for In Dreams & Denial
iPnay chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
Omg wo-ow! Loved this story! Totally voted for you, my fav by farrr
EmoryB123 chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
Father McLaughlin- LOL! Loved that, based on your song/artist selection!

Good story! Neat pairing! Different to see Rose on the LOSING end of the get the guy game!

Voted for you!

Are you ready for ECLIPSE? I am so eager for that movie, I can barely stand it! I have seen a lot of pictures and clips, and it looks like it will be totally amazing! I wish I could buy the DVD the day after I see it! I need to buy an on-line ticket TODAY! I hope I can find it around here in IMAX...

Twilight is my brand of heroin.
Lolarosa chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Good job. I liked how dependent she is on her dreams.

It was a very interesting take on the song, though Rose as a first grade teacher is kind of scary. :)

Good job and good luck