Reviews for Midnight Trains in Empty Stations
AnnAisu chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
I got the foreboding feeling this was not Haruka just before the end...and then the tears started to slip out and down...and thier still going. Soft tears, but tears all the same.
TangerineTea chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I'll admit it-I teared up. How do you do that? God.

;_; Doouuumekiiii.

(Also, am I just imagining the potential grandson!Doumeki-Watanuki-Shizuka love triangle brewing here? Probably. Am I all for it anyway? You bet!)
kuro mirai chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
I slightly hated the manga because while, I'm not a hardcore DouWata fan, that ending was more bittersweet than I imagined. This story reminds me of that. It's probably not supposed to be sad, but that Shizuka ended up the same way as Haruka kind of makes it melancholic. All the same, it's still amazing.
Thimble chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Wait, what? Ooooh... it's young Doumeki in the dream. Got it.

That story was both sad and very warm. An interesting mix. Thank you.
yuMeNami chapter 1 . 9/10/2010
:( this makes me melancholic. it was really good though. at first, i thought he was talking to haruka. hmm. nice.
yue no rei chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
Man, I didn't realise he was talking to Shizuka and now Haruka until names popped up. Now my mind is just bombarded with triple Doumekis, haha that's amusing but confusing as I imagine they all go though the same cycle. Afterall Shizuka really seemed like Haruka in this xD
alguien22792 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Omg this was so sad :(

I actually have to re-read the last part to get it P

But anyway I love the story, for me is something new to read about everybody moving on and Watanuki still being in the shop.

Awesome job
ExplodingWeekend chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
This was really good! I was kind of expecting the ending around the middle but it was still very well played out :)

Good job!
Twelf Bell chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
Oh frick. Tears came towards the end TT_TT

That was sad :(

bakayaro onna chapter 1 . 6/17/2010
Nicely done. You built up the story slowly and the 'punch line' arrived gently as the lilac flower inside Watanuki's yukata. And you have painted lovely visuals that flow throughout the story.
clazziqualtaste chapter 1 . 6/14/2010

got confused in the middle (as you wish) but eventually everything was clear.

and i cried, albeit only a bit. but i never cry when i go through fanfictions. thank you so much for such a wonderful story, i'll be expecting more form you? :D
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
holickixkstar chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
I can't really understand what Watanuki meant by 'because it was a promise he'd already broken long ago.' I hope you'll explain it.

Oh and Doumeki's dead... It bound to happen one day huh? And he have a grandson... This is beautifully written. And it's heart warming despite being a bit sad. Yes, I'm quite sad, coz I'm a huge DouWata shipper. Well done fic.
Becca the fiend chapter 1 . 6/12/2010
This.. kind of makes me want to cry. But I love it! It's beautiful and sad and somehow happy at the same time. I can't even find words for it. Guh. It's so awesome. So much love for this.