Reviews for Slash and Burn
albino shadowz chapter 1 . 5/23/2013

This is the best damn one-shot I have ever read. Like... ever.

I don't even know what to SAY about it, it's so AWESOME.

Never before have I seen Outcastshipping done so well...

I really love all of the clever nods to canon, as well as the way that you presented the characters and managed to incorporate Kashipping as per the challenge of the contest, a pretty difficult thing to pull off. The card graveyard, when it finally clicked in my head what it was referring to, just made my jaw drop. The title, while also not immediately connecting with me, made far too much sense when I finally got it. And before reading the A/N, too! xD


Thank you for writing and posting this epic beast of a fic.

-Albino Shadowz
Linkmarth chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
good ending :)
FallenLoveAngel chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
Oh wow! This is just amazing! You gave them such great personalities while still keeping them in character! Amazing, amazing! Love it to no end! XD
This-Account-No-Longer-Here chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
Awesome story! OutcastShipping is amazing and it was great to see a new look on it! Great story line! Loved it!
Mahersal chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
Wow. That was marvolous! I have never read a Kashipping or Outcastshipping story before, and I have to say this was wonderful! A very good and creative idea indeed! I loved it! Bravo!
Hanqing chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
YESS. A Kisara with a spine! She was a little bolder than I pictured her to be, especially near the end, but it's nice to see her sticking up for herself. It was a really nice relationship you weaved between Kisara & Thief Bakura. Their interactions was realistic and well-written.

Although I know there was supposed to be some Kashipping in here, I really didn't see it, haha. But hey, crack pairing is crack. At least it worked out.
biskittins chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
wow, great fic! the characterization of tkb was SPOT ON. i could imagine a lot of these things happening in my mind...this was a terribly hard pairing, and you really did it justice. kisara was so sweet in this one-really loved how you portrayed her. very very nice~ :)
YuugisGirl chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
Oh my god...O.o That was epic! Really spectacular. I simply adore your writing style. Your word choice and imagery were very descriptive and well chosen. I also loved Bakura in this. Writing him as anything other than a psychopath is difficult, but you managed to make him extremely human without loosing his edge or spunk.

This was a very interesting concept for a story. Though, the "I'll chase you for ten days" thingy reminded me of the short story "The Most Dangerous Game".

I enjoyed the dream sequences a lot. The way you laid out the background information without making it seem like reading a straight summary of events was nicely done.

I also like how -as the two of them got closer- the dreams became more of a reality than consciousness did.

Great job. You and Duck have both managed such amazing fics out of such a whacked-out pairing. Gosh voting is going to be difficult! ”

Good Luck. I REALLY enjoyed reading this!

Always a Bookworm chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
*is lost for words* Oh... wow. Wow. Just... wow. Being completely at a loss for what to say is a pretty rare occurrence for me, but I just cannot think of how to describe how epically awesome and incredible this was.

Absolutely FANTASTIC! Firstly, yay for the happy ending! XD! That made me very happy, especially for such a bizarre pairing and an (on the whole) quite angsty and dark story- so glad that they had a good ending, and that they ended up together! I was a bit worried for a second that Bakura had actually killed her (Bakura just has to make everything about massive fires, doesn’t he...!XD!) but that absolutely wonderful sequence at the end where she came down with the dragon… *squeals and hugs anyone in the nearby vicinity* It was just such an amazing ending!

Loved the way you wrote the characters- extremely believable, and you wrote it in a way that I was left with the thought: “Yeah, this could really happen.” And by the end I was thinking: “Yeah, I *want* this to happen!”

The plot line was fantastic (I think I’m repeating myself here...)and I loved all the twists and turns you put in- you kept us guessing, and right up to the end I genuinely had no idea what was going to happen next! Well done on that!

Your writing style is perfect, especially for this kind of story, and the whole story was well thought out, excellently written and (above all) extremely enjoyable to read.

Well done on a fantastic final entry (especially for such a bizarre pairing; you definitely did kashipping justice! XD!) and good luck! :D


Doubleplusgoodduckspeaker chapter 1 . 6/13/2010

I honestly think you outdo yourself every round! This is some of the best writing I've seen from you yet-your voice is so amazing, and I really got a sense of the scenery and by extension, the way that each character views their world. That's one thing I liked so much about your story-the Thief King is written perfectly, and the dialogue and thought progressions make perfect sense, yet I was in suspense throughout the story! You're a master at grabbing our attention and then revealing things as we read- it's one of my favorite things about your writing! _

Having the story set in the 'card graveyard' was so genius! And the dream sequences were so cool-the scene with the Dominos was my favorite... not only was it a cool reference to the city, but using those soul tablets as the dominos was very chilling! And the scene with the killer grass... as we learn that the 'graveyard' is pulling them into a deeper and deeper sleep and how her hiding spot was about to become that "final resting place" ... so creepy! I wasn't sure if Kisara would escape! (honest! I was!) And the idea of the game was also really cleverly done; it's what Bakura would do, after all.

And goodness, your story was long! :) And present tense... I don't know anyone else who can pull of present tense as well as you can! Jess, I am so glad you joined Season 7, and I was honored to write against you this round-you really proved your writing prowess with this story! I'm always super impressed reading each story you write- I want to make sure you know that. Your writing is so good-almost too good ;)I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and this just proves how far you've come as a fantastic writer! Thank you so much for the dedication (that really means a lot to me!) and for writing such an amazing story!

3 Ducky