Reviews for He's Always There
KidInTheTardis chapter 2 . 12/23/2019
I completely ship 2/jamie
Silica Keasler chapter 6 . 1/1/2016
Miranda Taylor Cosgrove is Kamron Terrell Keasler/Serena Taylor Keasler Tunestool from the future. Miranda is literally who Kamron/Serena will become and has come back through time to be the Miranda he remembers and maybe got a head start on his plans for being with autistic people and becoming more of a celebrity. Miranda knows all this and wants to let Kamron/Serena follow his fate unimpeded, except for the times he remembers Miranda having helped or challenged him. Most of all, he can tell Kamron/Serena who she is because Miranda might decide then and there really to become her, thereby not erasing Miranda from existence. He conquered Autism, prayed to God, and get turn into a female to travel to California because of its strange time fluctuations, plus he is able to move through time by traveling there then later back to Georgia. He got cured of Autism and turned into a white female before his trip back to Georgia because he had not remembered his people there because of how he acted in the past, and just to lure his people close because they were so important to his early years as a black male.
Nic Coay chapter 6 . 8/21/2015
Wow. I just... Wow. This was the most perfect, little story I have ever read. Six & Peri are my absolute favorite and you did a splendid job with them. You caught their personalities and relationship dead-on. It so touching and adorable. And I love Peri admitting that she prefers this Doctor, specifically. And The Doctor saying that he'll never want to stop traveling with her. It was brilliant. And funny, as well. That "falling from the ceiling" but made me laugh.
Squibble the WhovianBreadstick chapter 11 . 5/18/2014
What about Martha, Clara, Rory, Mickey, Captain Jack... K-9 would be interesting, how would THAT work out? Ooooooh! Oooooooooooooh! River Song! THAT would be brilliant!
Pocket Full of Pens chapter 11 . 2/9/2014
I just read all ten of the stories and absolutely loved them! The ones with Six and Peri and Seven and Ace were probably my favorites but I really just liked them all. Great story!
Phoebe Cloud chapter 2 . 2/9/2012
I loved 1/Susan. I love them traveling together, the Doctor and his granddaughter :)

Also; is Jamie Scottish? If he is, I wanted to commend you on that. I've never seen any Patrick Troughton episodes yet, and I could picture a Scottish accent in my head during his dialogue. So yanno. Good job. :D
zealousfreak27 chapter 11 . 12/23/2011
Yays! Loved this story. The Ace part was my favorite. This story is very well written. Thank you so much for your writing!
Pliffy chapter 11 . 9/12/2011
I love this! I LOVE the relationship between the The Doctor and his companion's though I don't Amy would be happy if someone died even when he was a jerk.
korasami chapter 2 . 5/30/2011
Jamie and the Doctor are always eating at random times!
Kathryn Hart chapter 8 . 4/25/2011
Heyy I know I've reviewed before, but I was just wondering if your offer for an Eighth Doctor story was alright? I just watched the movie again a few days ago, and if it's cool with you I'll do one for you! :) But I won't start anything until I hear back from you.


Kathryn Hart chapter 11 . 9/17/2010
hahaha I just found this and realized it was changed, I meant to check earlier but forgot! O.o Sorry.

Anyways...this chapter was really really good! I love the mural, and her past is understandable. Unlike the Nine/Rose chapter, I'm glad you had no romance in this one(I really dislike Doctor/Amy :P) Fantastic job! xD I'll be watching the movie soon maybe in a few weeks, so maybe...I might have a story? I hope so, I'd love to help you out :)
timano chapter 12 . 9/13/2010
Am excellent, quite readable, highly enjoyable romp through the Doctor's past! 10 out of 10 stars. (There are notable companions you missed, like Ian and Barbara, Romana, and Fitz (of the 8th Doctor Adventures book series by the BBC, but you covered the major ones. I enjoy your writing, too!)
canwedance chapter 12 . 7/11/2010
Had to review here since I already technically reviewed chapter 11. I liked it ) Definitely an improvement on the "accidental" chapter! :P But yeah, it was sweet )
canwedance chapter 11 . 7/10/2010
I'm a little confused. This chapter doesn't seem to have anything to do with Doctor Who or Amy?
GollumPanties chapter 10 . 7/10/2010
I. That. I.. can't really say much about the old series, as I've only seen a few episodes, but the way you write 10... oh lord. Actually 9 too, but all of a sudden I could just see 10 trying to cheer up Donna just like that. It was so perfectly what he'd say. XD

Just wanted to let you know~
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