Reviews for Aisle 10
Queen3x3 chapter 13 . 7/31
MKM chapter 13 . 7/16
wow I never thought this would be updated again because of how much time had passed, but I loved it! I can't begin to tell you how much this fic means to me, and finally seeing Tweek open up to Craig was just so genuinely great. I loved this chapter and hope to see another one somewhat soon.
sk3lt3r chapter 13 . 7/9
I... Cannot stress how happy... Elated, excited, above the moon, other synonyms for happy that I am... To see this update... This was such a good chapter and I loved it so so much It's so hard to come back to a story after so long and pick it right back up without losing momentum or losing some of the characters.. but this feels like we never left. The writing is still impeccable and the characters all feel the same as they did five years ago

I had to go back and reread but I'm so glad I did. I forgot how much I love this story and I'm so so happy to see such a beautiful and sweet return TT Thank you so much
DiamondDollDark chapter 13 . 7/5
I remember being in love with this story during my middle school years and freshman year in high school. During your hiatus, I completely forgot about this. Now I’m a junior in college and your update is like falling in love all over again! Welcome back!
Nanischan chapter 13 . 7/4
When a friend told me that this story had been update I couldn't believe it.
Aisle 10 means so much for me, this story inspired me to write creek in my native language, so sadly for me I supposed that I had to think like open end.
But this give me joy, thank u so much.
I'm sorry if my english is very bad.
fuchsiaSeafoam chapter 13 . 7/1
I love this so much!1! kajhgfsghl
Flikaroo87 chapter 13 . 6/28
No. Way! Thank you so much for updating! I LOVE this! I hope it won’t be another 5 years before the next chapterI’m so happy rightthank you x
Kellytta chapter 12 . 6/27
Hi, I couldn't send the links on tumblr so I send them in your profile of fanfiction
Kellytta chapter 13 . 6/27
First of all I want to thank you for writting this fic.
I want to highlight tiny details that made this story so beautiful
When I first read the story I had like a lot of tabs open with fanfictions that I wanted to read, in the first tab was aisle 10 and as I kept reading, it kept being more intriguing.
And since the very first chapters I knew it was going to be one of those stories that have it all, good narrative, nice plot and the way you portrayed the characters left me speechless.
It's like... the way you wrote their personalities fits them so perfect.

This story is really creative, and it's really easy to read, it feels like a diary and the succession of events happening has a reason to be there and all of it contributes with the latest episodes, and the chapters are long, you placed in this story a lot of talent and effort.

I'll describe some random things I liked
In the first three chapters Craig describes his hobbies and interests, and somehow the motivation Craig was looking for did not only appear, but swept him out of his feet. He did not only try to groom himself to appear cute for him, but he also went beyond his barriers and he actually talked nice with somebody, he even learned how to dance for him.
Clyde is so cute though, and along with Craig they're both definitely sharing the same two brain cells when they're together.
Craig is trying so hard to get closer to Tweek, and Craig being so dramatic in chapter five was so funny and relatable to how falling in love feels like! the comparison between the Christmas gift needs a mention in here too, it's like « why did this happen » but in chapter 13 he finally understands quite well why it happened.
I'd like to mention that when Kenny was buying mayonnaise I remembered that there actually exists a mayonnaise that is called Mccormick.
In Chapter 6, Craig mentions he watches Spanish soaps before going to bed and my bet is that he watches really chessy stories.
The scene in which one Tweek talks about what he wants to do when he grows up and the scene about the nuggets fully snatched my wig because of how incredible described they were.
Kenny singing with a good voice is one of my favorite headcanons now too.
When I read the last parts of chapter nine I was doing a really long queue for an event and it made it somehow the best queue i've ever been in, the ending of the chapter left me shook.

- This scene was so nice:

"You're ditching me?"

"Get to know the future in-laws, man, have a ball." He shot at me with finger guns and winked.

I wanted to retort, wanted to tell him to take back in the in-law comment, wanted to flip him off, but he suddenly turned on the car, and I realized he was actually leaving me here. I panicked and began tugging on the car door handle, only to find out it was locked.

- And in Chapter 11 Token and Clyde are trying to lift him up their own way. This scene was the reaction we all got back at chapter nine:

« "What?" he demanded, his voice squeaking slightly in his disbelief. "He said no? To YOU?" »

Chapter 12 was so nostalgic and beautiful at the same time.

And when I had already finished reading the story I went to a Spanish creek group to see if anyone had already read it too and there were like two posts saying they loved it too and there were a few comments of people saying that they wanted to read it and I thought that maybe I could translate it and that's when I worked in it, I finished the first version of it and sent it to you last year!
I must admit that my favorite chapter that I ever translated was chapter 9, I mean it was really awesome to not only reread it but to actually reflect in words, what was said there, was awesome.
I began with the translation on a file, ended it on may and continued on editing it until December on wattpad, and I know there is a lot that I still need to polish but it was actually really joyful to make it!
You made me open the dictionary more times than i'd like to admit.
I kept some phrases that are actually used in the dub series.

And then I saw you posted the chapter.
I almost had a heart attack at the first lines of chapter 13 btw
And Craig being able to openly talk with Tweek about what happened was just the right thing.
Even though for Tweek running away seemed like the only solution for his problems Craig listened to him like nobody had ever done. And showed him that running away was a good idea but not in that moment and not under those circumstances. And I'm really glad he did because running away would have been difficult.
(I'll send the links of how the translation looks now on tumblr and some of the comments I mentioned)

And I think I know the perfect translation for the word "honey" in this chapter so thank you a lot for placing it there.
MaroonedInThisBody chapter 13 . 6/25
Hi old friend.
Even though we’ve never met, or even talked for that matter, I’ve missed you.
When I saw that you had updated after all this time I actually almost cried a bit and I’ve just finished re-reading and reacquainting myself with a ton of fond memories that I never realized that I associated with your writing.
So I want to say thank you.
Thank you for writing this and having the universe place it in front of me when I needed it.
Thank you for not forgetting us and in turn for not letting us forget you. 3

All I ask though, one small and simple question, who stole the money? I have/had this theory that it was the owner that took it for some reason, but it’s driving me insane!
plasticfroots chapter 13 . 6/25
oh how this sweet fic has brought me back! this is still one of my all time faves and when i saw a notif in my inbox that you had updated i couldn't believe my eyes. this chapter was so sweet and so good and your characterization of tweek and craig and token and clyde and EVERYONE remain my favorite for all time. the best part about this fic is that it is so easy to read - a lot of fics as poetic and artful as they are can be blocky and difficult to follow. but this one has always stuck out as uniquely GOOD WRITING but also beautifully characterized and most importantly genuinely fun to read and i always find myself with the dumbest smile on my face. i hope you update and/or write some more but no pressure this chapter was truly lovely c:
Kiljoy chapter 13 . 6/25
Am I dreaming? When I saw this on the first page after being updated, I blinked and double checked and couldn't believe it! The fandom rejoices! This is the first Creek fic I ever read and since then I've read so many, but this is one of the few that stays in my mind. I had finally come to peace with it not being updated, and BAM! Such a gift. I love your story so much. And your Tweek and especially your Craig! His confession to Tweek in the park in this last many heart stabs. The characterization in this story! And the interactions with Clyde and Token too. It's the best I've read so far. This part was several chapters ago, but I always remember the descriptions during the scene where Craig first meets Tweek's parents when he picks him up for prom. That is my all time favorite description of the Tweak house. So completely weird and delightfully creepy. Ugh, it's all just so good. I feel selfish asking for another update, but I'd sooo happy to see it! ;)
mayvicbot chapter 13 . 6/25
I'm gonna have to reread this, but I think it's admirable that you are commited to finishing your fic, most people would probably just dropp their story.
And from what I cam remember I liked it a lot. ️
Ashmole chapter 13 . 6/24
This was wonderful,thank you finishing up this chapter, I had long assumed it was dead. I am glad. Cheers!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/24

I feel like this is a part of my teenage life that has finally been adressed. This fanfic has followed me and been in the back of my mind for years. It’s a staple in my life. I talk about it with all my best friends and pester them to read it. Tbh this conclusion was fine and what I was finally hoping for. I have read this motherfucker so many times. I can explain the whole plot from my heart. I envision the scenes like movies. I love love love it. I waited so long for you to update I would deadass check every month since ur 2015 update. My Instagram user is literally updateaisle10. I’m gonna debate changing it because my needs have been satisfied but tbh it’s been there for so long I’ll have trouble parting.

That aside, the chapter was so sweet and tied up like every loose thread. This fanfic is an EAT and I been said that it needs to be adapted into a movie. You know film Twitter would eat this up like a mf sandwich. The gays and the girls need the aisle 10 movie, we can get one of those A24 film directors to come do it and it’ll rock the gay movie world. I have like every scene in my head, I even have the layout of the grocery store pictured. Like it eats. I love this fanfic so much.

Anywho, I loved it, thank you, I’d love another chapter, but this satisfied me. This fanfic is a fucking hall of fame ass fanfic and deserves an award or something for its iconicness. It will go down in fanfic history. I love it so much. THANK YOU.
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