Reviews for Perfect Record
you and me forevermore chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
Wow. I loved this, and usually I only ship Scorpius with Rose or Albus. It was really good.
Boredpplzzz chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
Hilarious and adorable ! Thanks for writing ;)
mes reves de cafe chapter 1 . 3/6/2014
Hey! This has been a favorite Scorpius fanfiction of mine for a long while. One of those fanfictions you bookmark and keep to read on a rainy day. In fact, this was the fanfiction that got me to start shipping Scorpius with the Weasley clan so congratulations on that! It also inspired me to write a series about each Weasley grandchild and who they end up with.

It was so long ago that I found this story (one or two fanfiction accounts ago, this is my third one due to passwords being forgotten and emails getting lost) I can't remember if I reviewed or not. Anyway, on to the review!

I really liked how you put him with Roxanne as I rarely see her shipped with anyone, it seems that she is a forgotten Weasley, and I also thought it was nice how you made her lips tart instead of sweet as in general kissing scenes always describe the girl to have sweet lips (personally, every guy I've kissed just tastes like skin but maybe I'm doing something wrong?) Also, I was glad that you had him have a relationship (a real one) before settling down with his last one- it made it so much more realistic!

But! The point of this review is not just to give you some fluffy compliments, but also to let you know about a Harry Potter RPG I play on which is creative writing based. It's all original characters and our applications are currently open or you can play on our 'sandbox' page to get a feel for it. It's sonoramagic. net (without the space). It's super fun and I use it to test out characters I'm thinking about for my own personal stories so I can decide if I like the way they interact with others or not. Please message me if you have any questions! Hope to see you there :)
Nia chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
This is quite possibly my favorite fanfic ever. I love Scorpius/Roxanne the way you do them! This was absolutely fantastic!
Account needs 2 be deleted chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Hahaha I liked it
colorful swirls chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
This was cute:) And I definitely did not see the ending coming. I figured Scorpius would end up with either Rose or Lily, but I can see him and Roxanne, too (because I read this).

MaraudersAtHeart chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
I really liked this one-shot. It was surprising that Scorpius kissed Roxy last, I thought it would have been Rose...anyway, I liked it! (:
DavidYurman chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
This was beyond cute, but rose & Scorpius FTW!
CastielHasBlackWings chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
Never really liked Roxanne/Scorp but you made this very adorable. I loved how you made all the kisses not romantic (particularly Victoire's and I think Molly's and Lily's as well kinda) it made it a lot more realistic. Very nicely done! :)
a-trip-to-honeydukes chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
great story! I loved the ending and ,well, all of it really.
HerGoldenWings chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
And thank god it wasn't Rose for once!
Eto117 chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
That was amazing. He didn't end up with the one I wanted but it's still good. I haven't read much of Roxanne so I'm neutral. And I like how you made it all happen.
Mistystarshine chapter 1 . 12/15/2011
Amazing, simply amazing. :)
please delete account chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
Yup, he's the only one who'd win a perfect (next-gen)Weasley kiss record. Liked that you tried different ways before ending to the last one. Lily's turn was so sweet, and innocent(?). Its cute.
SpellSword166 chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
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