Reviews for Random Thoughts about Hibari and Ipin
Kingheart chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
It was really nice.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22/2016
Patcharondo chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
hey! thank you for this story. Truth! I like it very much :3
sphinx chapter 13 . 7/19/2014
had a good time reading this ..

pls start a new series soon !
FutureSomething chapter 13 . 9/12/2013
Hello :)
I like this chapter :) I like how you close the thing between Hibari and I-Pin before and after battle the last scene with Yuuya and Shin. Maybe I'm a little disappointed that Hibari dies but even though I thinkt it was good for story and ending of this ;)
I also thank you, that you wrote this story and I could read that ;)


PS 93 is because it's also my year of birth ;P
Chachos Bane chapter 13 . 9/9/2013
I liked a lot but ...why he had to die!? :'C,,,well leaving aside the drama...I really liked the plot and description how you put on the characters, I just liked the chapter, almost weeping with the end...but I'm not as hervibora :P, you have nothing to leave you a review thanks for your story if you had said that you love me enough!, all many greetings and a hug

Ps: I have the number 93 in my username only because it is my birth year hahahaha
Chachos Bane chapter 12 . 9/7/2013
I love your one-shots, I left a lot of intrigue in the last, and I like the personality of the characters. I hope to read your stories more often, are good luck!
FutureSomething chapter 12 . 9/1/2013
I am very curious what will be in the next chapter. Really! But now some words about this... I like that you show Hbari's feelings, because what he feels is something new for him, and I as a reader can follow with him and know how he really feels. A bit of tangled, but I hope that you understand "
I like this scene with Yamamoto, not only that because of that Hibari was jealous, but I have some thing to I-Pin and Yamamoto relationship(don't ask how and why - I don't know that). And this peck on forehand was cute :)
And also, what is going with this regain thing and what will Hibari do? But I guess that I have to wait, right? Yeah, I thought that :P

So, good luck at writing!

PS And yeah, very good story ;P
purpleicecrystals chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
Oh, heehee. I-Pin, I feel for ya! I am reading this by the way, so don't delete! X3
Mavis-chan chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
Nice story :-)
dendeliono.o chapter 10 . 2/16/2013
plsplsplsplsplsplspls UPDATE !
bloodprincess chapter 6 . 2/14/2013
awww .. that's cute pls write more about hibapin i love it SO MUCH ! gambateh XP
mi-1824 chapter 1 . 10/22/2011

Nice story of Hibari and Ipin :)
Al chapter 9 . 11/18/2010
Really really sorry for making you wait! I just moved out of home and had a hell lot to sort out.

Now that I can sneek some time in to review (Time which i'm supposed to use for revision)I'll tell you...

Sorry, I must disappoint you once more, as I cannot pin point Mukuro's role. This chapter actually messed my head up more as what I previously thought, now doesn't appear what it seems (alright, I'm confusing myself by writing this).

The way you added tsuna- as a footstool, is it possible that Mukuro is actually a mirror of Hibari himself? its just the way Mukuro kept on abusing Tsuna for being useless reminds me of Hibari's own treatment towards Tenth.

Also in a previous chapter, when Mukuro kept beating Ipin in front of Hibari, is it like telling himself "Don't you feel guilty? Look I'm hurting the girl I like, Aren't I gonna intervene?" Like the mirror image showing him how cruel he was towards Ipin. Anger.

But my favourite part of this chapter, was when he tried so desperately to see her once more. (Yeah keep it up Skylark)

As usual I would end with please add another chapter soon, but I know you need another couple of reviews and also you have conditionals. I myself have spent many a year failing and retaking exams, so I'll say put your studies first. I'll be missing your work, but at least you'll eventually reappear. (Is it just me or do I sound like I'm sending you off to war?)

Anyway, good luck with your semester, hope you do well (don't you dare die) I'll be waiting for chapter 10!
Mukkura chapter 9 . 11/7/2010
Aw, poor Hibari. Good luck on your grades though. I'm sure people can wait a while for the next chapter.
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