Reviews for Change My Fate
r chapter 7 . 8/1
I hope that you are completely fine now and stay that way. That whatever you had is completely reverse able.
Carlmike94 chapter 6 . 7/26/2015
This is good. Like, really good. Just hope Grimmjow won't end up falling for Orihime, that wouldn't fit in with how the story is written (my opinion)
Lord Asmodeus chapter 7 . 6/14/2014
Mhm interesting...

I do however wish that it was not Orihime, I find her unworthy of the strength Grimmjaw possesses.
Kobimonte chapter 7 . 2/18/2013
I wonder how's orihime later. . . I like it. Hope you get well soon. :)
wingsofseyfert12 chapter 7 . 11/23/2012
This has to be one of the best Bleach stories I have read in a long, long while. Honestly you are doing things with Grimmjow's character that I wish other authors would but instead insist that he is some homosexual that is after Ichigo all the time.

First off I love the fact that Grimmjow is this uber powerful S-Tier hollow and that his relatively low ranking in the espada was due to a series of unfortunate events. I can only imagine just how frustrated Grimmjow must have felt, conquering for over 900 years and be on the cusp of being a Vasto Lorde only to have some blind Soul Reaper rip his mask and then imprison him for a hundred years effectively killing his right to power. 900 years of work and then wasted in an instant. Chapter 7 had me pity Grimmjow for that. It made me all the more happier that he was able to claim what was his earlier in the story.

Another thing I enjoy are the random entries from the respective espada into the story. Each of them is really well thought out, insightful and yet still in character. Grimmjow's revealing a portion of his genius in the first entry, to Szyal's clinical observation in another chapter regarding Hollow evolution to Stark's remarkably well thought out but still somewhat lazy entry to Ulquirroa's cryptic entry regarding the human psyche. have managed to convey a side to these characters that are entirely your own creation and yet at the same time remain to the canon characters.

However chapter six freaked me out the most. The fact that the Szyal has a computer so advanced that it can literally "download" memories and can be deleted and altered at will. So frightening. In a way this is the death of Orihime. She wasn't killed outright but with her memories gone she might as well be dead. The blank slate left afterwards would only be a shell...a blank slate that Grimmjow can craft to his own desire. A secret weapon that is totally his and something that can drastically tip the scales of power from Aizen to his side.

It must be terribly burdensome to live with the condition you have. I love to sleep so not getting my REM you can expect me to be a sour camper lol. You have not updated in a year so I assume that there are other more important matters IRL but I sincerely wish you the best of luck regarding your condition.

In any case I feel that you have somewhat projected the uncertainty of your condition into this story, especially the mental aspects.

In all this was a very good read. While cryptic and thought provoking I like how you still have your normal, comical moments, like Apache and Grimmjow's bickering, or Gin coming out of nowhere and freaking people out. Overall wonderful work. This story is exceptional. I would instantly recommend this Bleach story to any fan. Great work. If you can update that would be legit but if you can't then I'll be content with the story as is. Good luck to you now and in the future I wish you the best for your well being.
AlysanneLake chapter 7 . 8/1/2012
It is exceedingly rare that a fic of this calibre comes along, and I'm so glad that I found yours.

I had a fleeting curiosity concerning the Hollows and their rank, history, etc. You have made me fall in love with your Grimmjow. I am now wanting your fic to be canon over the original characterizations. I'm hoping you take this as a compliment.

I'm disappointed to see that it's been a year since this fic was updated. I've been reading your ANs, and I am sorry to hear about what's going on in your life. I am hopeful that you are well on your way to a full recovery. Regardless of whether you can ever contribute to this story again, your style and the cadence with which this fic is written is brilliant and captivating. You should be very proud.

I hope to see how Orihime evolves in future chapters. I am ery eager to see how her relationship with Grimmjow evolves (father/daughter, teacher/apprentice, king/vassel, or will she truly embrace ambition and strive to overcome her "creator"? One can only hope!) Such an amazing plot. Bravo.
solas oiche chapter 6 . 7/29/2012
this is for 7 btw:

gee whiz, your medical life is just shenanigans! at least you're not my siblings though. i'm the best off with insomnia, my sister's got weird dyslexia and some-fancy-word-for-can't-sweat, my brother's ADHD, borderline bipolar, and depressed at age 21, and my littlest bro is psychologically afraid of food. lol not even kidding.

anyway, now that i've gone off on a magnificent and unnecessary tangent, this chapter which came out like a year ago and i've possibly reviewed already but what the fuck-ever.

i always knew grimmjow went insane, bahahaha. i love their backstory here, it's well done and flows with the story. also, it "seems legit". trololololol
anyway, i hope you do continue and your medical crisis gets better :)
Anonymous chapter 7 . 3/31/2012
This is brilliant and one of the best fanfics I've ever read, The only problem is that you update very late, which is understandable, but if you choose to discontinue please say so

suthrnqt chapter 7 . 3/18/2012
Amazing story! Can't wait to see where this goes.

I hope that your condition has improved.
IanVampLover chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
Damn This is a cool story! It actually has a plot :D
10char chapter 7 . 11/5/2011
This story is really under-reviewed. Really great stuff with interesting lore, inventions, and geography that could definitely be considered canon. I like Orihime's characterization as well.

Uh, get better?
Kelpies' Child chapter 7 . 9/24/2011
Another brillant chapter and i enjoyed how you went back to when the boys first meet Gin. Hope you you keep going with this story and that you feeling better soon.
nisey610 chapter 7 . 9/6/2011
So, so, so glad you finally feel well enough to update and start writing again! Wonderful chapter and so insightful too! Loved the reference to the Count of Monte Cristo! Absolutely love that book! I have to say I was alittle disappointed in their not being any Orihime in the chapter…I am so excited to find out what she has become and how she accepts it.

I also can not wait to see how Grimm reacts to how she has turned out. Also the reactions the others are going to have.

I wonder how Aizen is going to react and what he will do.

Hope you get some answers to your condition soon and to hear from you soon either in an answer to my review or as another updated chapter.

Good luck!

LexysamaFics chapter 7 . 9/3/2011
kyra.storms chapter 7 . 9/2/2011
Glad you updated through your life trials, really appreciated and I really hope things look up for you...

Wow, that was one packed chapter with a whole lot of info just making the story more in depth and believable.

I really like how you portrayed Gins character and I liked the flashback, giving us a view of their meetings as well as the relationships between the different characters. It's definitely nice to have a background to refer to. It was nice adding in Nel, not as if she was a forgotten face.

I really can't get over how you portrayed Grimmjow's character. It's more realistic in a way.

I'm really amped up for the next chapter, especially seeing how Orihime turns out.

Take care :)
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