Reviews for A LoveHate Relationship
Kurodekira chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
Omg. I would live to get inside your head and see what other beautiful plot bunnies you have stored up there. This story us not on lemon-lime-tastic but it's also well written and quite cute. 1827.
ERROR 404 Porn Not Found chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
Instead of eat food, skylark eat the little bunny vongola... Hehehehehe :D
grrr16 chapter 1 . 2/4/2012
loved it!1
OnceUponAFedualFairyTale chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
So adorable! Hibari's and Tsuna's interaction seem genuine
Just Juliet chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
I think it was cute! Go 1827~!
Sakura Guardian chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
So cute! Very nice smut, but I must confess that I secretly was hoping for them to do somthing erotic with the food...XP
Kichou chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
Very nice. I like it.
Glompy-chan chapter 1 . 7/30/2010

chibi'sapphire chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
... what's was on my mind the whole time, were they doing 'it' outside? .. lolz xD

Overall, this oneshot is a good read, so does the smut in it 3

Good Job~
chibi-neco chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
love it )

the smex part was super

keep up the awesome work
Lorey chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
i think... i think i love you xD

revolutionrose chapter 1 . 7/9/2010
lol Hibari being great at angry make-up sex is very believable XD; Nice one-shot, well done!
racooncity chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
Ahoy. I forced myself to writing this, before I forgot the title and went around frantically trying to search for the amazingly written fic.

I write this review from my brother's phone; I hope you won't mind if it's messed up. 'Cuz the last time I did, it was.


Seriously. If THAT was, like, your first fic, I must say that you're a genius. And, well, I just suck. Lol.

Keep writing for 1827 pairing or whatever pairing you like the most, and I swear, you'll be pretty well known as a writer between the fanfiction society. Well, sure, witing reviews are good, too, but to me...writing the fanfics are one of a kind-it's really special.

I think most of the reviews will say that it was a great fic, too. Maybe there were grammar errors, or spelling errors, but they would have to admit- it was great. :D

And I think, by now, you would have understoof the pride and happiness you feel when people are enjoying what you made. Cherish that feeling, and don't forge them! They're basically what keeping the authors on their work, and the satisfactory feeling when a fic is done is really unbearably freshening.

Oh God, now I sound like an old preacher with her endless sermon. I am terribly sorry D:

By the way, I just want to say thanks for contributing for 1827- it's getting slower here. O.o I'm looking forward for your fics! If you got any good 1827 recommendation fic, please tell me ;) maybe we can talk about how the characters are defined there. Lawl

See you around!
ahin chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
Such a cute story 3 Love it! The way you described them was awesome :D
resettodefault chapter 1 . 6/30/2010

after tsuna's thoughts bout angry make up sex I was so expecting a fight and make up~ but it never came( but it's ok cause the fucking was fucking delicious)
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