Reviews for Lisbon in Wonderland
tigerlily124 chapter 1 . 11/19/2019
This is hilarious. LOL!
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
Very funny thanks for the read
LouiseKurylo chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
Hallucinatory fun. Of course Jane must be the Cheshire Cat, complete with grin, attitude, and vanishing act. Thanks for sharing it with us.
coldweathergal chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
I knew that was Nature Boy and I hereby bestow you with a hero biscuit for including it.
And associating the CBI team to Wonderland characters was hilarious!
kohakublah chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
Reading your stories Me laughing my ass off.

That is all.

Cat1030 chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Really funny )
Antsybal chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
Me revoilà! J'ai bien étudié, il est 3 heures et demi chez toi donc... tu dors probablement

J'ai adoré cet OS pour son humour. Pas forcément parce que le rêve est drôle mais parce qu'il est ponctué de phrases comme "he would scold her for working so late…despite being the responsible for it."

Sinon l'idée est originale, j'ai trouvé dommage que Lisbon dise "comme dans le film", et que ça ne soit pas un rêve inédit dans l'OS mais c'était extrêment bon quand même.

Une chose que tu as particulièrement réussie à mon goût, c'est la distribution des personnages. C'était tellement drôle de les découvrir les uns après les autres!

Un vrai régal donc!

PS: en réponse à ton MP, JAMAIS je ne lirai sans commenter, même si je n'ai pas aimé tu le sauras! C'est juste que pour le moment je ne me lance pas dans la lecture de fictions, je me familiarise à la lecture en anglais avec les OS :$
twhiddleston chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
That was really AWESOME!

I laughed all over the way, great :D

Thanks for writing it :)
TeresaJane chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
AHAHA! That was hilarious! I loved it! I haven't seen Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, but I'm certain it's nothing compared to this! Great job!
nata chapter 1 . 8/25/2010

i loved it!

i wish there was a CBI in wonderland movie!

would be R rated though... aah well.

jisbon makes me happy!

excellent story!
Broken Kindle chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Hahaha this was brilliant :D Gave me a great giggle and was a nice silly littl read. Great job!
13 Jo chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
Funny, creative, original and simply amazing! This had me laughing like crazy. LOL! xD.
chibinoyume chapter 1 . 7/16/2010

Let me tell you that for a fic to make me chuckle it takes a lot. And I did. Several times xD! I love perverted Lisbon xD although.. it's not even perverted :P she's a woman after all but your timing for writing jokes and stuff like that is priceless, as well as saying so much without actually saying it :P

This is precious xD.

I'm going to nominate it for the Jellies on the Jello-forever forum :D

I'm out of cookies :P
Simonisthecuttestmentalist chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
I loved this story! So cute, and hilarious! So sorry for the late update, I've been very sick, and my computer went nuts. :0) I loved this!Poor Teresa, Patrick was so funny. LOL Awsome story!

MK chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
I found this today and thought it was great! A nice and much-needed piece of fluff to cheer me up. :)
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