Reviews for Mind the Gap
KitsuneMagic48 chapter 12 . 8/1/2012
Good luck. You can do it! Carry on!
southparkyaoifan chapter 12 . 4/26/2012
ahh boo them they suck i cantbelive they block FF it hetalai it can be educational some times XD when it come to hetalai is is surpisingly educational well being funny and randome
Crazy4animeCouples chapter 12 . 7/5/2011
;3; so sad! I like this fic even though it's kinda really messed up. I hope u get ur laptop back soon and I'll try to get there for ur funeral if it comes to that... I hope it doesn't cuz then ud b dead and that means ur fic womt continue and also means I have to figure out how to travel to a different continent when I'm broke.
Whyntir chapter 12 . 6/9/2011
You poor baby XD *is laughing at you*. I write porn on the SCHOOL'S laptops . . . my teacher read it. I explained to her that roadside smut was in high demand. SHE WAS TOTALLY COOL WITH IT XD I pity you m'dear. I get that not all teachers show favoritism to their fave students. But don't worry. If you do die, I will be at the funeral.
Green Sprout chapter 12 . 6/8/2011
omg that's screwed up like WHOA.


I hope you are able to get something out of all this mess X( I don't know what else to say besides that. Geez...hope you are not 100% internet blocked FOREVER.

I happen to like your stuff and your quirkiness totally.

*pouts in annoyance* Parents do suck indeed.
mya3dan chapter 12 . 6/7/2011
This is me sending good karma to you.***************%. Did it work?

Anyway, you made me be thankful for how oblivious my own parents are.

And I bet when the snoopers read your porn they will LIKE IT. Hypacritical bastards...
Xalla chapter 12 . 6/7/2011
Aw man, that really blows, I'm sorry! Something like that nearly happened to me, but it definately wouldn't have been as bad, because it wasn't really porn per se, but just raunchy stuff. Anyway, I really hope everything ends up working itself out and that you do get your laptop back!
Trunksters chapter 12 . 6/7/2011
gah! how disappointing! I thought that this was another chapter. :(
the girl in the mirrior chapter 12 . 6/7/2011
hey srry you got caught. but love the story and when you get to write again id be happy to beta. i can usally get chapters back the day i get them or first thing next day.
yokan-sama chapter 12 . 6/7/2011
Don't worry, you can move in with me :D

Austria is a pretty nice place _
AristeNikkan chapter 12 . 6/6/2011
Oh god poor you. But lol your dads awesome. Ne I'll help you out though, if I can. Idk. I'd lend you Alice but Fffff like Luke would let me :(

AristeNikkan chapter 12 . 6/6/2011
Oh god poor you. But lol your dads awesome. Ne I'll help you out though, if I can. Idk. I'd lend you Alice but Fffff like Luke would let me :(

NoirSheep chapter 12 . 6/6/2011
You're so dedicated to your readers! ;_; I wish you the best of luck Miss Author! _ be carefulll!
Unshadowed Heart chapter 12 . 6/6/2011
Awwwww poor dear ;_; *snugglesnuggle* If I lost my laptop I would uh be dying

YOU SHALL PREVAIL and those snoopy assholes shall get their coming. The bitches. Mrrrr. But be strong and continue to write, even if you can not post! I will wait diligently for you (in your bushes, with my binoculars) :D

*snuggles again* Do well, darling. Don't let the man get you down!

Btw good job on your test xD

~Shadow-chan sends love and fluffiness
ht4eva chapter 12 . 6/6/2011
Aww...That really sucks! Still, at least you were granted a laptop...I had to buy myself one, and it took me eight years to save up for it, and it's JUST A NETBOOK! D': Anyway, halfway through your update, I was going to suggest that you could use the old "https" trick, because my school blocks all the sites as if they have an "http" beginning, and adding the "s" allows you to bypass their firewalls...But then I realized that you didn't have your laptop at all, so my advice was rendered useless. I hope that you get your computer back soon, but I don't see how they can keep it from you for long anyway, if it's a standard part of your curriculum. Doing that would impede your education! (Use that as your excuse; perhaps it will work!).
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