Reviews for The High King's Bride
DenaliWahine chapter 19 . 4/21
I enjoyed the unexpected plot twist regarding Sarah's father. Your story reminds me that clear communication can save people from much heartache. Great job!
BowieQueen chapter 19 . 4/15
:'( I can't believe our journey has finished. I loved this story thank you. I am so grateful that I got to experience the adventure in real time. I can't wait to explore some more of your other work.
BustedBrain chapter 18 . 2/23
*Throws celebratory glitter* Hooray!
BowieQueen chapter 18 . 2/20
Ah I can't believe we're near the end. That was an amazing chapter! Loved it. Loved their wedding ceremony.
Enchanted Peach Dreams chapter 17 . 2/20
Enchanted Peach Dreams chapter 18 . 2/20
BexyLexi chapter 17 . 1/17
Well that's a relief, glad things are being wrapped up nicely
Wynni chapter 17 . 1/10
FINALLY! *Happy Dance*

Though, it does beg the question what shall become of Ryan. Ive become rather fond of that rascal. What happens once he steps down as Ard rhi?
BustedBrain chapter 1 . 1/7
Loved the new chapter! That proposal was perfectlooking forward to seeing what happens in council
BowieQueen chapter 17 . 1/7
Yay. Thank you for the update :D I'm so happy to see this continue.

Aw bless that was a lovely proposal scene. :D
EmRaHShadow chapter 16 . 1/6
Totally just binged this story. I cant wait for the next chapter!
veronafairy4 chapter 16 . 10/17/2019
keep going, please please please! sitting on pins and needles here!
BustedBrain chapter 16 . 9/29/2019
This story is fabulous and loved that twist, very well done. Looking forward to the next chapter
BowieQueen chapter 16 . 9/28/2019
Oh I love this so much. Such a good read.

I do have one question though. If Amy/Cara is Sarah's aunt but she is Jareth's cousin, doesn't that make Sarah related to Jareth? Or is it different branches of the family?

Can't wait until you update :D
BowieQueen chapter 6 . 9/27/2019
Was Danielle DeBabarac a direct nod to Ever After?
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