Reviews for Dreaming In NonFiction
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
Hate it! Do not like Sabertooth.
Aalya Aziri chapter 15 . 3/26/2015
I really enjoyed this would have liked more built up to the Ro and Victor love story what can I say I've read way toooo many romance novels lol
You have hooked me on the whole Ororo/Victor romance keep up the excellent work.
I give you my highest rating of I'd read it again and again
StormLover chapter 15 . 12/4/2014
Oh my goodness, that was awesome. Truly a Topsy turvy story but it worked. I greatly enjoyed reading it and appreciate Sabe's determination to get Ro back. The Brotherhood never felt so loving. Thanks for sharing.
nakala chapter 2 . 11/18/2013
Ahhhh amnesia now I see how this will work
Guest chapter 15 . 11/13/2013
I've read this before but it was so good I had to read it again!
RAMI MALEKS TYPE chapter 15 . 6/30/2013
OMG! I know this was written a long time ago, but it has so much spark! God I felt so sad for Ororo, I tired up just a little in the 13th chapter were she confronted Jean, Logan and Scott. Oh god now I hate them! XD

You know? This fic actually reminded me of a song I got into resently. Feels Like the End by Mikky Ekko. It's got that same sad feel like this story. Please check out!

Thanks for writing this fic, really enjoyed it a lot! :3
SimplySinful21 chapter 15 . 5/22/2012
Jean is like the biggest Bitch out there! Thank you for making this fic! Awesome! I just wish it was longer on the loss memory scene!
Hope-W chapter 15 . 10/1/2011
I really like this story. good job.
KittyWillCutYou chapter 15 . 7/22/2011
I liked this, I really did...but tell me why it took me till the end of the last chapter to realise that you killed youself in this? Also, I can't figure out why it was so funny when I realised it. Maybe it's because I killed myself in a story via head-shot. ._.
LusciousNesha chapter 15 . 2/7/2011
Thanks for a great story. I will say this - I'd like to think that the X-Men could be bigger about the situation at hand. Particularly Jean and The Professor, considering that they can see into people's minds.

If they couldn't really understand her decision, they could have looked in, or even asked to do so to understand her feelings... and I struggle with the way that Logan talked to Storm. I know that he can be a hardass but he really behaved like a complete asshole and how dare he call her a cunt? But, this is your interpretation, not mine, and other than their classless reactions to her news, I am fulfilled. Thanks again for sharing. Much love!
LusciousNesha chapter 13 . 2/7/2011
See... this heifer is stealing folks' clothes. That is a bitch slappin' offense. ESPECIALLY a $350 coat. I never spend that much on anything, and if I had, Lord help me if I find out my friend just snatched up my stuff.
LusciousNesha chapter 9 . 2/7/2011
As a fanfiction writer. I already know how unorthodox it is not to review, but I've managed to not review all this time, up until this point (forgive me my transgression... omg... this chapter really got to me.

I actually felt badly for Sabretooth, even though he told a tremendous lie and I hate liars and I think they deserve utmost punishment for their lies - I had some sympathy for the big guy.

But I especially feel bad for our poor Ororo. It's so sad when people are so ignored where the people around them are supposed to care about them that they seek out love wherever they can get it. And while being the fake wife (and getting all a wife's pleasures)of Sabretooth is SO SO much better than, say, joining a street gang or a cult... poor thing was in the same predicament. I mean, she had amnesia, but Lici said that ish was psychological.

So glad that I know she'll bounce back, because that's what she does. This is a really cool and interesting story.
honeybiscut93 chapter 15 . 11/17/2009
no matter how many times i read this i can never get tired of this story and did he really call her a cunt shot if i was victor he would have already been dead from stop
honeybiscut93 chapter 15 . 10/22/2009
honeybiscut93 chapter 14 . 10/22/2009
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