Reviews for When the World's Needed a Hero
97kingdomwolf chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
The feels TT_TT
kage kitsune no yami chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
That was so amazing. I hooked the entire time. Bravo:D
Rachel chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
That was so well written and the way you tied it all up in the end was perfectly done.
RevengeLovesCompany chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
I'm suprised there's only ten reviews for this. I'm not gonna mention much on mistakes because it's seems you have a lot of reviews hinting them, you don't need anyymore :3

However I will mention that you did a really good job on this, you write extremely well and the idea was very good. It's refreshing to read soemthing that suggests Sora does not enjoy things, it's nice to have a more realistic look at what Sora would end up like at some point. Although it was a little depressing at first ;3

Anyone I really liked this mini story.
prospiitian chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
This is really, really kind of bittersweet. And you're right, loneliness DOES need a warning.
mochiusagi chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
That was really interesting. I'm taking it that sora didn't die?
LocoHelli chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
In the end I actually cried D: ... But you are a good writer and I liked the story xD even though it was sad D:
tecnagirl chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
Wow... how striking. This was a great read. You know, reading wide-eyed while you're actually supposed to be doing something else... but I loved it. You did a wonderful job.

Constructive critism means I'm gonna tell you there's a few grammer mistakes, but nothing very bad, and nothing that could take away from the... potency of the story. Just try to correct if you like.

Thanks for the story!
mooglestookmyheart chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
I really loved your story. Yes it had grammar mistakes. And yes, it also had spelling mistakes.

But that's alright, because in the end, it's the meaning, what you try to say, how much you touch the reader that really matters.

And your story had a meaning, i understood what you were trying to say and you really touched me. Congratulations.
PositivelyInsane chapter 1 . 7/8/2010 story and wonderfully written...VERY VERY depressing but i'm sick of everyone making Sora so happy and bubbly when he's killing monsters and lonely, so all in all i liked it
KaiserinAstraia chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
so sad but i loved it :)
rawr chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
stop putting apostrophes and S on the end of words. world's is not plural. hero's is not plural. world's is possessive, like "the world's inhabitants" or "the hero's light."

other than that the story was pretty good.
TeamAbodo chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
I loved this story! There were a few grammer mistakes (When the Worlds needed a hero instead of World's etc.)but they didn't take away from the feeling and flow of the story.

What kind of story would you call this? I think it's too long to be a drabble, but it feels different from a one-shot, more symbolism and theme driven rather than story and dialogue driven.

I can't tell if Sora lived through this... I like to think he did, the last line of your story seems to tell me he did, but the scene before, with Sora in Merlin's house, suggests that he didn't. Perhaps you left it for interpretation?

But I loved the ending, though the Ri/So seemed a little out of place, but I didn't mind it in the least. A little more hints before you present your readers with a beautiful life saving(?) kiss ;D

Lovely story over all! Good job!
Kuko-chan chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Oh my god that was good! I was scared towards the end there when the Heartless were advancing, but I'm so happy about the ending! Made me smile! :)