Reviews for Paradoxical
sp72 chapter 1 . 4/4
It is probably a lost case - but is there any chance you will finish this? It would be a shame not to - good writing, a captivating complex and believable storyline and while staying true to the series timeline and to the characters not to mention a way of bringing Ianto back that is not completely ridiculous - which so vey rare to find.
FranArian chapter 37 . 2/8/2019
Any plans to ever actually finish this?
Bloodsong 13T chapter 37 . 8/10/2014
it's been more than 3 weeks since an update... i am contemplating a VERY large VERY pointy stick! or perhaps sad puppydog eyes. maybe both.

but i guess i will just ask... you still around? you okay?
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 37 . 5/24/2014
This has been an amazing story with so much potential to finish this story arc. I am so very disappointed that you've chosen to abandon something you've put so much time and effort into. From the very beginning I was enthralled with the adventures and emotions you've portrayed here.
Ravenous Book Bunny chapter 37 . 8/8/2013
AAAAAAAhhhh! Cliffhanger much?!
Iris Wood chapter 1 . 4/11/2013
Reading this for a second time now. I love this fic... Time Agent Ianto, yay!
sandysan2013 chapter 37 . 12/9/2012
It will be your fault if this hurts, but here goes: Poking with a pointy stick! More please!
Iamspelledwrong chapter 37 . 11/13/2012
I just stumbled across this and read it all at once. Wow! I love it, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. All the timey-wimey twists and turns have been marvelous.
Iris Wood chapter 37 . 10/28/2012
Please continue! Love the story and it is nice to see the return of Jack. I have always wanted to read a story dealing with the Time Agency :) Will "Tony" (Agent Jones) be junior partner assigned to Jack? It would be cool to see Capt John Hart in these upcoming chapters _
Shara Raizel chapter 37 . 9/29/2012
ouch... tony-ianto's first meeting jack was...interesting. looking forward to seeing what happens with tony-ianto next. :)
L.A.H.H chapter 37 . 9/26/2012
Fascinating chapter. Thanks for writing
one-blue-eye chapter 37 . 9/24/2012
Interesting time jumps. I've been dying for an update. So glad to see this again. Love your story.
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 36 . 9/9/2012
Just spent the entire night reading this, and it's absolutely brilliant! It's so involved, so detailed, I don't know how you do it, but please, please tell me you're going to continue?! I desperately want to know how on earth Ianto Jones is responsible to Jack's memory loss! And besides, 'Jones' the Time Agent who visits the Hub in Part I is abslutely perfectly downright sex on legs!

Please keep up the good work!
Pernicia chapter 36 . 8/4/2012
- Rule Number Three: have lots of sex, but don't litter your sprogs around the Timestream otherwise you might become your own granddaddy.-

Now that's a version of the grandfather's paradox I haven't heard before. It sounds like it should be Torchwood canon. Now I really want to know what Rule Number Two is... Was the omission for humor, or will it come into play later?

As crude as he is, I'm somewhat liking Iantony... He just seems to highlight the Time Agency's strange sense of morals (if they have any, which I still doubt) and brings more dark humor to the piece. I'd love to see Ianto and Tony meet, although given it's the Time Agency, Vorn will probably lie to Ianto about hosting Tony, or else he's only using Tony to pass the Time Agecy testing and is planning on murdering him straight after. It's strange and amazing how this is basically a chapter with all OCs, and it's still just as engaging as the others. Conspiracy theory or not, I can't wait for the next chapter (and John Hart, whenever he comes in!)
EllyKayWasHere chapter 36 . 8/3/2012
YAY! Love the new chapter. :) I can't wait for the rest.
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