Reviews for Devotion
Heather Logan chapter 1 . 11/25/2006
This was really atmospheric, and so different from the RK fics I usually read! (I must say all the "whoring around" was making me blush...) An interesting experience though; I'm really a KK fan so it was kind of odd going, but eye-opening. It was neat how the story jumped around, like little vignettes.

You mention in your notes about the timing: I believe that after Tomoe's death, Kenshin is retrieved by Katsura to rejoin the Ishin Shishi in Kyoto, but not as an assassin, instead as a "free sword" fighting in defense of the Ishin. He leaves after the battle of Toba-Fushimi, which is the first real - and decisive - battle of the Boshin war, and therefore the "birth of the new era". Anyway, thanks for an interesting read.
Swirly chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
Powerful! Stream of consciousness for RK is quite hard to do, since it's somewhat cliche by now, but you've certainly succeeded! :)
hakubaikou chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
Wow. This was utterly beautiful. So wonderfully sad. I love the quiet, thoughtful narrative tone. I'd say more, but the story is still turning round and round in my head right now. A marvelous fic.
Chibi-chan v2.5 chapter 1 . 3/15/2003
Wai~ _ Good story! *goes to read the sequel* Heehee.
Nightingale chapter 1 . 5/6/2002
This was simply wonderful. I love the description of Tomoe and Kenshin together, how she hated him but loved him, and sometimes he hated himself enough for both of them. God, that was beautiful. That's why I love the Kenshin/Tomoe pairing almost more than I love SanoKen pairings.
samuraiheart chapter 1 . 4/27/2002
I love non-linear stories and it takes real talent to pull one off so beautifully! Great descriptions. I loved everything about this fic, but especially the way you descibed the Kenshin/Tomoe relationship. I'd never heard it put quite like that, but it was perfect and I loved it!
wombat chapter 1 . 4/5/2002
I'm not normally a slash fan, but this was beautifully done. I wish the paragraph formatting were a little clearer, but that's a minor quibble compared to the magnificent complexity of the story itself. Kenshin's narrative voice is elegiac yet naturally flowing, deftly maintaining his point of view while still conveying crucial information about the other characters, and I am such a sucka for tragiromantic angst :)
Clarus chapter 1 . 2/25/2002
Well, this was *very* nice. I can't wait to see more of it! I hope you'll let me know when you publish the next chapter!
Wrappedinplastiq chapter 1 . 2/21/2002
I liked it. It was dark , angsty and deep. Plus I love the Sano X Ken pairing 0,~x