Reviews for Protection
Waltclyde75 chapter 1 . 1/14/2019
Parker is a straight shooter and very private, her covering for Eliot after being stalked is reasonable, but not practical. She's not afraid of anyone, and she would have let Eliot have it (tongue lashing). Eliots revelation would have calmed her down, but she would have told Alec. I like the note being left, but I can't envision Parker responding that way.
cosette141 chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
Oh my GOSH this is so cute! So so adorable. And it's really clever. :) I especially loved the ending! Great characterization. Amazing writing.
The Path of Supreme Conquest chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
Haven-Holmes chapter 1 . 12/9/2012
nice .:)
andi48 chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
God this is just too perfect.
MaddAlice chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
I really liked your story, well done :)
Sci F.I. Warper chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
AWW! This fic made me want to squee. I honestly loved it. From the "The children are fighting again" moments with Nate and Sophie to Eliot's confession was so sweet. Nice characterization of Parker. The woman's nuts, but she's the kind of nuts that takes care of her own. All around good job!
Grissina chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
That was cute. I like the way they try to protect each other.
isabellapurri chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
You know, I cringe everytime I read Parker/Eliot fics around. And there are some pretty good ones, where the con is well thought and everything, and then suddenly Parker and Eliot are making out and it's ruined.

I can't see them as nothing but siblings. I mean, seriously, they are fighting most of the time, and Eliot makes sure Parker knows when he's mad at her, or perturbed by her... quirks. 'There's somethin wrong with you, Parker' is what he says most of the time, and the facial expressions exchanged between them are just amazing. But every time she needs him, he's there, and she's always around him, in briefings and stuff. Basically, how every big brother/little sister I've met behave around each other.

And I love to read this here! Thanks for the fic ))
Chronicles of an Insomniac chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
Poor Eliot! It was cute that Parker kept his secret, and gave him a ticket, and permission. She's so understanding even though she is sorta emotionally detached. Great fic!
Anna chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
I love it!

You write Hardison so well, I can literally hear and see him saying all those things as if it were him on the actual show.

And Eliot: "Fear was supposed to fear him." That was perfect, I don't think anyone could sum him up so perfectly as that one sentence.

I love the whole sibling thing too.
renisanz chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
This is really sweet, heartwrenching and heartwarming all at once. It was an interesting backstory for Eliot and his need to protect those that he cares about. Good job. :)
Ivory Greed chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
The fic was good but my favorite part (other than the pepper spray) was the movie ticket!
sararandom chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
This was a great read! I could so see this playing out on the show. Kudos friend, you nailed it.
jojo140 chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
I love this story. It's so cute how he's protecting them.
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