Reviews for Lords Of Time: The Tale Of The Last Days
Ryuus2 chapter 3 . 9/20/2010
Good update. Is it supposed to be doubled up on itself like that?

Keep up the great work.
CapriceAnn Hedican-Kocur chapter 3 . 9/20/2010
FANTASTIC! I thoroughly enjoyed this. . . .

just one slight hitch. . . .did you mean to have chapter 3 repeat itself? About halfway through it starts repeating. . . .
JovianJeff chapter 2 . 7/22/2010
Wow that was amazing! With chapter one I had not expected to like this much. It was well written as usual, but it was the end of things, usually not my type of story, but I like what the author writes so here I am. Chapter one ended with me fully invested in a story I didn't think I would be. I had to continue on to chapter two and was held to its end. I hope this story will continue.
the hand of omega chapter 2 . 7/13/2010
Wow... this is absolutely fantastic. please continue it!
the hand of omega chapter 2 . 7/13/2010
Wow... this is absolutely fantastic. please continue it!
Ryuus2 chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
The Last Time War.

Oh you're good. You're very good.

But are you that good?

I look forward to finding out.

Keep up the great work.